long time reader first time post... Are all 1940 ford front fenders the same? The reson I am asking is I have been told that truck fenders and coupes vs sedans are different. Can anyone shed some light on this topic?
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long time reader first time post... Are all 1940 ford front fenders the same? The reson I am asking is I have been told that truck fenders and coupes vs sedans are different. Can anyone shed some light on this topic?
Passenger car fenders all the same. The difference between standard and deluxe is in the hood and grill. Pickups are different, they will not interchange.
Thanks for the help! I am having trouble with my hood and fenders alignment and now I have to figure out which of the three combo's. Fenders Grill, Grill or Hood Grill and Fender is causing the gaps.
Start with the hood to cowl fit. Assuming you have passenger car hood.
gts, sorry for leaving that last post so abrubtly. The pass hood has no molded in revel like the pu does. It will have holes for trim. Start by fitting hood to cowl, you may need to elongate the holes in the cowl. I am talking about where the hood hinges attach. You move the hood hinges down to raise the hood at the cowl and up to lower the hood at the cowl. Once you have the hood fitting at the cowl good, then mount and adjust fenders to hood. Grill comes last. I have some printed magazine articles I could send you if you need. Joe
\I am seeking info you have in regards to 40 41 ford p/u fenders. Thank you
The 40 pickup fenders have a different flange than the car does as they attach to to the body. The flange can be bent on a car fender to to make it work on the pickup. It will take some work but it can be done. I have also heard that the pickup fender is a bit shorter. I have not confirmed this though. I need to drag out my sets and do some measuring to see this. As far as 40 to 41 pickup fenders they are the same no difference. Good luck
just got my truck from the B/S for paint and the hood sets on top of the Rt front fender.The shop says they can't fix it with out cutting the hinges.
The fit was good before they removed it for paint.
any info would be great.