Hope you guys don't have a problem with me posting this one.. since it's not a hot rod.. but many hotrod ideas are going into this one.. It's going to be a fun build..
This is how it looked when it got dropped off..
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Hope you guys don't have a problem with me posting this one.. since it's not a hot rod.. but many hotrod ideas are going into this one.. It's going to be a fun build..
This is how it looked when it got dropped off..
and heres how the interior started off. the interior is going to be a fun part of the build for me.. I can't wait.. next pic will give you a idea of part of whats getting done..
Heres a pic of where the fun begins.. lol
where the dash sits now...
one more dash pic..
Today was the day for suicide...
Got a good start on one door.. but have much more to do before it's completed
Oops, i should have put this in the hot rod build pictures probably.. can a mod move this thread?????
Looks like a very nice project. Keep us updated. The mods should really separate it from the rest of the chebbie truck crowd.
looks like a good project , good luck . i love the dash idea
Hey i'm Glad that you guys like it.. I was wondering if anyone here would like it, as it's not a hot rod.... I'm kinda excited about it..
Here's another pic.. I had to redo the door, I welded the hinge brackets to the inner sheet metal on the door and it wasn't stong enough and by the time I made my bracing like i was supposed to i figured it would be easier to Redo it and have the hinge brackets weld right to the reinforcement instead of the sheetmetal.. plus it's stronger this way..
so here's a few pics
this pic is of the reinforcement I made to support the door when open.
OK now here's a pic of the plate welded in, with the vent and old latch hole welded shut..
Ok here's a pic of suicide.. this door wont' swing in the right direction ever again...lol
here's a few more pics.. made a little progress.. gonna take a break on this project for a few weeks probably.. although I do want to get the striker's in yet.. we shall see..
and another...
figured i'd throw in a update