Originally posted by Albrainya
I have an older model Sun Super Tach II that i need the wiring hookups for. It has 4 wires and the colors are: red, blue, green and black. It is an 8000 rpm tach. Any help with this would be great. Im assuming one is power, (red?) one ground (black?)
one for illumination and one for tach signal.
you are right on the red and black. crank the car up and touch one of the other 2 wires to the dist. side of the coil, if the tech. works hook it up, and run the other wire to the lights. dont try it on the ign. side of the coil. if i didnt know, thats what i'd do, or waite and see if any body knows for sure. if you hook it up wrong all it would do is blink the tech light , but it would be dim because of low volts.