Originally posted by techinspector1
We've had this discussion on here before about who likes Panhard bars and who doesn't. It is simply that from an engineering standpoint, I am strongly opposed to a system which tries to work in dissimilar arcs. The four-bars are trying to go straight up and down and the Panhard bar is pushing and pulling the bars laterally and putting a bind on the bar fittings. It just isn't natural.
All I can say about that is every racer I've ever known spends every dime he has to find a way to out run the other guy, and I've never seen a watts linkage on a race car. speedway dont sale one that I see, and they are hard to find if you're looking for one. people don't run them on the south East coast, I don't know about anywhere else. on a round track car its just something else to break, and there are other adj. to off set any problem you might have with a pan hand bar. long trailing arms are better than short arms, but most people run the short arms for conv. :cool: