trunk mounted battery short protection
what do you guys with trunk mounted batteries use for short protection on the positive cable between battery and starter/fusebox? i cant find anyone who makes a heavy duty type fuse or breaker to mount at/near the battery. anyone with any info on this??
Re: trunk mounted battery short protection
Originally posted by Albrainya
what do you guys with trunk mounted batteries use for short protection on the positive cable between battery and starter/fusebox? i cant find anyone who makes a heavy duty type fuse or breaker to mount at/near the battery. anyone with any info on this??
Far as I know Albrainya this is it. Put it in the neg. bat cable, use extra grommets where it might rub.
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Re: trunk mounted battery short protection
Originally posted by Albrainya
what do you guys with trunk mounted batteries use for short protection on the positive cable between battery and starter/fusebox? i cant find anyone who makes a heavy duty type fuse or breaker to mount at/near the battery. anyone with any info on this??
You can use one of these....... You can get them at most stereo shops or electronic stores You can get the fuse in sizes from about 50 amps to 600 amps I used them on a batt cable that I ran inside a frame rail
MM64 :cool: