Okay, seems like in the newer cars it makes a slight difference in favor of mileage but I know in the older-early 70's,late 70's it hurt mileage. I guess a lot depends on the systems in the vehicle and how much drain they put on them. Oh, Don don't fret the hair- a lot of women like the " windblown" look.
Oh, R Pope, I am crazy but have been trying to convince my new boss that I have an inkling of sanity left!
I'v never had the chance to test it. There are a few the Myth busters have had dead wrong like the American grafittie cop car, rear end pull out scene, the car they used was a 4 link and not a leaf spring suspension which is clearly evident that the american graffittie car was leaf spring. supprised they havn't had a revisit on it yet.