I remember this guy saying he new of a program that would calculate time,material,,and other things to give a quick quote for a job.Especialy when doing custom work there are different things that will affect price.Anyone know of such a thing?
I remember this guy saying he new of a program that would calculate time,material,,and other things to give a quick quote for a job.Especialy when doing custom work there are different things that will affect price.Anyone know of such a thing?
I've seen and used a lot of body shop software, and flat rate software. Don't recall seeing anything designed for the custom and hot rod business......
Will not really wanting it for hotroding?I just wanted to get info so I could see if I could use any of this.
yep, for 1 I know of, Snap on's Shop Key automotive repair database that is internet based 1k per year membership has a flat rate calculator. All Data might also. don't think there is anything for custom stuff.
Depending on what you want to accomplish, how about just starting with a generic spreadsheet program and add to it as your needs grow?
You can also do a Google search on freeware/shareware programs. There's a good chance you'll find someone else has written something similar to what you need. Due to lack of marketing skills, ambition, etc, it never made a commercial splash, and now it's free or asks a $25.00 registration fee.
Cheers, Mark