I started to install new AutoMeter gauges in my Hawk and noticed something funny about the voltmeter. The factory had sealed a small fly under the glass. Summit got quite a chuckle out of it and are sending a replacement.
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I started to install new AutoMeter gauges in my Hawk and noticed something funny about the voltmeter. The factory had sealed a small fly under the glass. Summit got quite a chuckle out of it and are sending a replacement.
I thought it was Stewart Warner who made the "wings" gauges!:eek:
1 in a million rare factory guage with the fly,ultra rare ,better list it on ebay!!!!:LOL:
Sounds like an Eastern delicacy..."I'll have the fly under glass."
Bet the fly isn't real happy about this, either.:D :D :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
They haven't worked the "bugs" out of this model yet.:eek: :eek:
This car might be jinxed. It was only a couple of weeks ago when I took it to the muffler shop cause one of the mufflers had something loose inside and when you got on the throttle it would rattle really bad. We pounded on the suspect muffler and it made noise. We assumed that the baffle had come unwelded. They cut the mufflers off and replaced them. We looked in the bad one and out came a long handle Stanley 1/2" combination end wrench. It was badly corroded from 400 miles of wear. The wrench is now worth about $150. The previous owner either dropped it down the exhaust pipe during assembly or one of his buddies played a joke on him. Then I came along and bought the car.
I would install the unique guage in my ride ,just because it would be a conversation piece!!!:LOL: