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Thread: Tri-Power Carbs build.

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    Mike P's Avatar
    Mike P is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SW Arizona
    Car Year, Make, Model: 68 Ply Valiant, 83 El Camino

    Tri-Power Carbs build.


    I got interested in Tri-Power setups about 30 years ago at a time when they were pretty much out of fashion (at that time except for the hardcore performance itself was pretty much out of style). Real Tri-Power carbs in buildable condition were pretty scarce so through trial and error I eventually figured out how to convert the common 2 Barrel Rochester’s for use on Tri-power intakes.

    I’ve built several sets of Tri-Power carbs over the years mostly using small and large base Rochester 2 bbls and currently have 3 motors with the setups on them. As I tend to prefer the Rochester carbs I have even converted a couple of manifolds from Stromberg and Holley carbs for use with the 2 G/GC carbs.

    With a renewed interest in nostalgia engine pieces there are now a few outfits that make bolt on carburetors however I still enjoy building my own. Over a couple of evenings last week I built the carbs that are going to be used on the Hemi so I thought I’d share what I do to convert the carbs for Tri-Power use. I’m only going to cover the mods required, not how to rebuild a Rochester, most kit’s come with pretty good instructions, and if you’re brave enough to try to convert the carbs chances are you’ve rebuilt a carb or 2 before anyway.

    I appoligise for the quality of some of the pictures, the camera seems to be acting up a bit.
    Last edited by Mike P; 09-30-2006 at 09:08 PM.

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