I used luann plywood for all the interior panels then insulation, then padding. I put all that on with a spray adheasive. Then put on the vinyl pulling it tight and attaching it with hot glue.
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I used luann plywood for all the interior panels then insulation, then padding. I put all that on with a spray adheasive. Then put on the vinyl pulling it tight and attaching it with hot glue.
CFF sweet work and more inspiration to do my own. Gray really contrasts the black . The drop on the break line looks really good . Your were taking out the 90 degree world we build by .
Did you use a sealer like polyurethane or anything for a moisture barrier.
No as plywood has to breath to stay dry. You could never seal it completly. The little bit of water that get to it won't hurt. I have never had a panel buckel or worp. I have put visquien on the back of the panel before final install.