I had to repaint the doors, but is is starting to look like a car. The doors close flush, and the gaps are pretty even. Now I have to fix and spot that little place where the door touches the body when it opens . . .
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I had to repaint the doors, but is is starting to look like a car. The doors close flush, and the gaps are pretty even. Now I have to fix and spot that little place where the door touches the body when it opens . . .
Henry. That is going to be one hell of a looking machine. Your talent is showing.:D
Probably hard to go back in the house.. heck just staring at the pictures make ya drool. REALLY NICE !
- 41 -
looking good
What a nice car,
Could you tell me what the paint code is pleeeeaaase?
That is color that I want to paint mine with.
Very very nice rod. Everything about it is right.
It's 1993-96 Corvette competition yellow (Code 53). Any automotive paint supplier can mix it for you. A word of caution. This yellow is very transparent. I laid it down over a bright white sealer to make sure the yellow would pop.
You can find the various paint manufacturers' codes here:
Scroll down to 1993.
Lookin' good Jack!!
Too bad it's one of those high dollar trailer queens instead of a REAL hot rod!:eek: ;) :LOL:
It's been on a trailer five times already - and I can't even drive it yet. It really should go in the Rat Rod Talk forum. Isn't that where all Gibbon rods go? (For the newbies, that's an inside joke.)
Nice Looking Ride. I remember the days when I had to put rags between the stand and the paint. You'll be glad to drive that one. Probably never get the grin off your face:LOL: :LOL:
:D Just to let you know how consistent some Gibbon "traditions" are, on the '32 the inner door shell hit the back edge of the door opening/quarter when the door got near to full open............before paint film build! Had to do a little relief to make it clear.Quote:
Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
Absolutely gorgeous. Great job on the coupe, I really love the color. Boy howdy does it "pop". Seeing that almost makes me change my mind (again) and go back to yellow and black for the flaming chicken. Keep up the great work.
I am really likin' it Jack! You are going to have a ball cruising in that thing. Will turn heads everywhere you go! Keep up the impressive work!
looks good
looking good henry. love that yellow. :cool:
what do you mean starting to look like a car, it is a beautiful ride!
Looks great Jack!!!! All them long hours on Gibbons mistakes were really worth it... Tires and wheels are sized perfect for the car, too. Yellow and fast have always been one of my favorite build combinations!!!!!!!!!!
Nice..VERY nice.
You gonna have it at the Boardwalk show this spring?
Really looks good Henry.
Color, paint, stance, overall flow.
Ya done good.
WOW i love it...
Make sure you keep a flyswatter in the trunk:LOL:
A buddy of mine painted his dang near that color and every car show we go to the bugs flock it..I park a few cars away now:LOL:
Tru Dat! I have noticed that bugs definitely like a yellow car. Maybe you could get a Gecko or a Tree Frog on a leash for when you display it! :LOL:
Ditto that on the bugs.
My pal's yellow car really brought em in.
Some nights it would be covered and I'd get 3-4 on my black car.
Useta ride dirt bikes, learned not to wear yellow jerseys after swallowing a coupla flies.
Gets tough to keep up with the fast guys when you're choking to death....
I I I I I I I I I liiiiiike it & in one of my favorite colors too......joe
Wow, I wish my project was at that point. Want to trade?
I have to agree with everyone else. That is a beautiful car! Love that color too! Im going with the same wheels on my T but 15X14 on the rear. Just curious though, did you put the door handles in that location or is that where Gibbons had drilled for them? Cant wait to see it finished.:)
The door handles are a little lower and to the rear of the stock location. It apparently was necessary in order to clear the bearclaw door locks. They take up more room than Henry's originals.
I would have shaved the doors, but Virginia requires outside door handles. I guess they need to save me if there's a problem. Odd, though. Most new cars have the doors lock automatically when you start moving. The outside door handles do no good on a new car, but they require them for inspection.
That sounds like one of those crazy OLD laws from back in the day. It should be pettitioned to strike it from the law books. Like you said, makes no sence nowadays! Yours still look great! 34 fords have always been my favorite and Ive built several in the past thats why I even noticed. Most proly wont even see the differance.Quote:
Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
I never knew that a Gibbon body could look that nice - keep it up:)
Jack/Henry, it looks great. I guess I missed the part where you channelled the body, so I appreciate what might have been tricky to do. Maybe sometime I can visit next summer since I am not far away. I am amazed by guys like you who do good work AND keep your garage clean. My garage is in a state of desperation!
Don Shillady
Retired SCientist/teen rodder
A clean garage is the sign of a sick mind!!:LOL:
I didn't channel the car. Gibbon did. I would not have done it the way they did - but I was stuck with it. I would have left the floor flat, which would have given me nice room for little extra touches that you wouldn't ordinarily need - like exhaust pipes. :LOL:
The garage isn't that orderly. The photo is strategically focused. You can't see all the stuff stored between the car and the wall - or all the stuff behind me - or stuffed under the car. The way they build "Two car garages" in Virginia beach is different than Kansas city. Here, you can get two cars in the garage - if the garage door just misses the back bumper, and you only have two feet between cars or a car and the wall. Lord help you if you build a work bench. I get so sick of moving five things just so I can work on number six.
Oh, and you can drop by any time. If you're travelling down this way, just give me a PM, and I'll send my phone number.
O the tales of Gibbon supplied cars ( am I repeating myself again-sorry)Quote:
Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
The idea sounds good, but I guess in real life, Kyle's ideas aren't (weren't?) so great.
I feel especially good about my 35 year old house with a giant 2 car garage that would even hold my old '79 F350 S Cab if I still had it (or my current F150) with room for a 3x8 work bench in front of it and still able to work on it. My wife's Escape would be almost lost on her side if it wasn't full of treasures. And there are still folks around here who leave their vehicles out because of junk.
The newer houses have about enough room for a Toyota Echo or two. **) **)
Beautifully done. I especially like the rake and stance...
I finally got the grille shell painted. I've been fighting weather that keeps turning too cold to paint on the weekends. This weekend, It finally was nice enough to get it done. The real problem with this is that Gibbon cast the stainless bars into the fiberglass. The area where the bars were molded into the 'glass was extremely rough. It looked like he just jammed them in there while the glass was curing and left it that way (surprise!). I tried to get some bondo in there and sand it down, but the bars are so close together it was hopeless. I finally masked off each of the bars - about five hours of work - and sprayed the yellow bc/cc. Then I masked off all of the yellow outside, and painted the inside with satin black. The black hides most of the faults, and at this point, I don't really care. When I was done, it took me almost three hours to get the masking tape off.
While the weather was chilly, I spent my time wiring. I had forgotten how much wiring there is in a simple car with no radio, no heater, no A/C, no dome light, etc. I also forgot how many trips it takes to Home Depot to pick up little electrical parts and pieces. Anyone who tells you their wiring kit is "complete" is lying. I used a Ron Francis Bare Bonz kit, but if I had it to do over again, I'd probably use Painless. I don't particularly like the rear feed of the Painless, but I could live with it. Their kit looks much more complete, and the price is very competative. After I added on all the "stuff" I needed above the Bare Bonz, the cost was higher than the Painless 18-circuit system. Live and learn, I guess.
The last photo is of the license plate mount. Unfortunately, some doofus in Virginia stole the plate that I've had in both Nebraska and Kansas.
Dang, this is a fun hobby . . .
Jack, I feel your pain Bro. You have really done a nice job in spite of having the body issues you have mentioned to overcome. I also understand your comment about "at this point, I really don't care." Let's face it, a guy could spend the rest of his life making things absolutely flawless, but you want to drive this car sometime in this Century, and also not be afraid to actually USE it. That is the mindset I am in too, I know there will be flaws, but "at this point, I really don't care." :)
I know you have some ill feelings about the Gibbon body, but with all the work you have put into it, the car looks spectacular. Can't wait to see the finished product. (Bet you can't either :rolleyes: :rolleyes: )
Looks fantastic,
Way to go Jack, you are like the Energizer Bunny! The car looks great!
Guess I've been missing this thread,too.
Your car looks very nice!
Looks good! :) I was wondering how it was going. I must have missed this thread when you posted it a while back. :o
I've been thinking of doing a '33/'34 coupe for my next project. Is there much in the way of leg room in these for tall people, say 6'-4" or so...? I really like the lines on these cars. I might have to go with a '32 Tudor and sit in the back :CRY:
The coupe looks terrific. And thanks for the Corvette paint codes link. One of my all time favorite colors is the 1973 Corvette Yellow. Had my Fiat Dino painted that color in 76. Would love to do another car in the same color, maybe a track T or a 31 low boy. Might be a retirement project.:LOL: