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Thread: New build thread; 48 Plymouth

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  1. #931
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 48 Plymouth, 48,54 Heap

    No problem; the Jeep pedals seem to work really well in the fat fendered cars. I've used them in a few different cars. I am going to have to lose the brake booster and go to 4 wheel manual disc because there's not much room on that side of the firewall for a brake and clutch master cylinder. I did the same with my 51; used a corvette master for four wheel manual disc and they worked fine.

    I tried to turn that picture right side up but its not cooperating.
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    1 Corinthians 1:27

  2. #932
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Starting to look positive
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  3. #933
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falconvan View Post
    No problem; the Jeep pedals seem to work really well in the fat fendered cars. I've used them in a few different cars. I am going to have to lose the brake booster and go to 4 wheel manual disc because there's not much room on that side of the firewall for a brake and clutch master cylinder. I did the same with my 51; used a corvette master for four wheel manual disc and they worked fine.
    Have you considered hydraboost since you don't have room for a booster? I put hydraboost with 4 wheel discs on my 66 F100 and I love it! I no longer wonder if I'll be able to stop in LA traffic!
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  4. #934
    falconvan's Avatar
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    I thought about it but I had the same basic setup on my 51 Plymouth with Explorer four wheel disc brakes and a Corvette manual master cylinder and was pretty happy with it. Stiffer pedal than power brakes for sure but it stopped well.
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    1 Corinthians 1:27

  5. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by falconvan View Post
    I thought about it but I had the same basic setup on my 51 Plymouth with Explorer four wheel disc brakes and a Corvette manual master cylinder and was pretty happy with it. Stiffer pedal than power brakes for sure but it stopped well.
    Yeah, I'm sure it'll stop just fine. I suggested the hydraboost because I thought you were originally building this car for the Mrs. and I didn't know how many "creature comforts" she prefers. Of course, since the auto trans is gone, I guess she must enjoy shifting gears...
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  6. #936
    falconvan's Avatar
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    That was the original plan but she never has shown a lot of interest in it so for the most part the car hobby is my gig. She comes to a couple shows a year and hangs out but that’s about it.
    A lot of it’s got to do with her health; the last few years she fought cancer and the new immunotherapy treatment beat the cancer but caused type 1 diabetes, severe RA in her major joints, and then she broke her hip. She’s had a rough way to go. Long car rides are hard on her; being out in the heat bothers her, she takes several insulin shots a day. Life’s got a way of throwing curveballs; I’m just glad she’s still here and can reasonably function day to day.
    Last edited by falconvan; 02-10-2019 at 08:47 AM.
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    1 Corinthians 1:27

  7. #937
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falconvan View Post
    That was the original plan but she never has shown a lot of interest in it so for the most part the car hobby is my gig. She comes to a couple shows a year and hangs out but that’s about it.
    A lot of it’s got to do with her health; the last few years she fought cancer and the new immunotherapy treatment beat the cancer but caused type 1 diabetes, severe RA in her major joints, and then she broke her hip. She’s had a rough way to go. Long car rides are hard on her; being out in the heat bothers her, she takes several insulin shots a day. Life’s got a way of throwing curveballs; I’m just glad she’s still here and can reasonably function day to day.
    Wow! So sorry to hear all that about the Mrs.! Yes, those "curveballs" can be a bear sometimes!I hope & pray for lots of healing in her future! In the meantime, enjoy banging those gears...
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  8. #938
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Thanks! Never can have too much prayer.
    1 Corinthians 1:27

  9. #939
    stovens's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Falcon. It's a tough road to travel either as passenger or in the driver's seat. Cancer is tough on everyone. Glad she has some quality of life for the day to day stuff. Sometimes the battle to beat cancer might be worse than the cancer itself, at least it was for my mom.
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  10. #940
    falconvan's Avatar
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    It is for sure. Especially with treatments that are so new.
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    1 Corinthians 1:27

  11. #941
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    Pat, I hope everything with wife gets better and she can have a speedy recovery! Prayers sent for you and her.
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  12. #942
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Thanks, brother. She’s looking forward to a better summer. Last year she broke her hip on Mother’s Day and it was a rough summer.

    I got the pedals finished up and the brakes re-plumbed; time to pull the trans this weekend.
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  13. #943
    Mike P's Avatar
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    The pedals and master cylinders look great!!!

    I don't know that I'll ever build another 3 pedal car, but that's a setup I'll keep in mind in case I do.

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    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  14. #944
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Thanks, Mike. I like regaining a little real estate under the hood and losing a few vacuum lines, too. The brake booster took up a lot of room.
    1 Corinthians 1:27

  15. #945
    falconvan's Avatar
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    I’ve got the trans installed; need to get a driveshaft made and rework the console to fit. Also ordered a longer shifter arm; have to bend over too far to reach this one.
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