Thread: 500 Caddy/G Body Swap
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08-15-2009 08:11 AM #11
I appreciate your input and believe it or not I had thought about those options (the fuel pump currently on the engine only has the 2 lines but I am aware of the later 3 line pumps).
The reason I went this route is primarily how the fuel lines have to be routed PAST the fuel pump. The areas that the fuel line will be routed thru is probably the closest to heat sources it will likely encounter in its journey from the fuel tank. The fuel line comes up past the water pump, around the back of the AC compressor and across the intake manifold (although it will be raised somewhat by the 1" spacer). Especially when the engine is shut off for a bit after it’s been run for several miles the line past the pump becomes a nice heat sink. Pulling the bypass fuel from the front fuel inlet should keep it cooler (and in a liquid state) all the way to the carb.
Keep in mind what I’m up against out here too. On a hot day when the truck has been sitting in the sun the temp of the fuel leaving the tank can already close to 100 degrees. Once it hits the engine compartment the under hood temps are going to be considerably higher especially if the AC is running and the engine is under any kind of a load. Then there is the low quality of the fuel compounded by a 4500 ft altitude. What I am doing is likely overkill for many areas of the country, but out here it beats sitting along side the road waiting for things to cool down or not being able to get it started in a parking lot somewhere. This is one area that I am definitely putting function over form on.I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....
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