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Thread: 1948 Chevy Stylemaster...(Large Dents) Fixable?

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    Corvette85's Avatar
    Corvette85 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Fort Worth
    Car Year, Make, Model: 48 Chevy Stylemaster/78 Chevy Camaro

    1948 Chevy Stylemaster...(Large Dents) Fixable?


    My name is Zak, and I am working on getting a 1948 Chevy 4 Dr Stylemaster. I actually already "own" it. Its out at my grandpas place in a ditch. It has been sitting there for 40+ years. Although it has been exposed to the elements for so long, it actually is not in bad shape. Im going to describe it and I would like to get input on if everything can be fixed. (I want an old project, so time and manual labor hours are not an issue) Along with the usual dings and defects of being 61 years old, the biggest issue is that a tree fell down on the roof sometime in the last 4 decades and has put a rather large dent in it. When my dad was little, he thought it was fun, and he put several 9mm bullets down the drivers side. The drivers side does not have any rot, but the rear passenger panel behind the wheel is rusted through. I havent been out there to look at it in a long time so I dont remember all the small details. The interior is all there for the most part, but the motor is gone. I know most will see this and say its not worth it and I should just buy one in better shape, but remember Im only 18. And since I already know of one, I want to take advantage of it. My grandpa wants it out of that ditch, but said if I can get it cleared out around it (Someone dumped all sorts of stuff around it) he will pay for a wrecker to come pull it out, and he even said I could leave it out at his place. I hate seeing people let classic cars sit and rot. If and when I ever pull it out, I would like to put a 350 in and go with a hot rod look. Probably go with a different style interior, and definitely some nice American Racing wheels (Probably the Outlaws I have on my Camaro). I just want to have fun with it, and further my knowledge on cars. Hope you can help. Zak.
    Last edited by Corvette85; 03-01-2009 at 06:53 AM.
    I have a 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster and a 1978 Chevrolet Camaro, I had a 1985 Chevrolet Corvette. Im 18.

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