Originally Posted by
Dave Severson
Hmmmmmm. Got to differ with you on a couple points....Loud and offensive may be fun, but it ceases to be fun when public opinion demands that cops again start cracking down on loud and offensive pipes....then all of us Hot Rodders are considered to have loud and offensive cars, and we all get a whole lot of hassles because of it.....
I got in this Hot Rodding stuff long enough ago to remember what it was like to be considered the "bad guys" of the road. Putting up with constant attention from the cops, many towns not wanting to host any Hot Rod events or even have any Hot Rods in town.... Many, many rodders fought long and hard to bring the image of Hot Rodding up to it's present level from the days when we were considered outlaws and trouble makers. Yeah, having fun in a Hot Rod is great, guilty as charged!!! But, I try not to do it in an area where people don't appreciate it....Loud pipes rapping off on a Saturday night in a resedential area does little to improve the public's view of Hot Rodding.... Having fun, making a bit of noise, and a burn out or two is great fun.....when it's done in the right place and at the right time. I just really hope that loud and offensive pipes don't become just one more reason for people to want to do away with Hot Rods.......