Hi guys,

I just started my first hot-rod project and it seems I am in a little over my head. I thought this would be easy but it is a lot more complex than I thought.

Here is what I am starting with, the motor is a Ford 302 Marine Motor. It was rebuilt last year for a boat and the owner left it sitting outside so it got somewhat rusted. I managed to save the block, i got all of the Pistons, lifters, bearings, camshaft, and Crankshaft out without too much difficulty. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do but not sure how to go about doing it, or if maybe I should take a different kind of approach.

What I Have:
Block and Heads are both Cast Iron.
Block: 302 Bored .030 over Casting Number D2OE-6015-AB 3A4
Heads: I believe to be 351 Heads Numbers on Heads 000E, 10A, 351 WF, 2H4 or 2M4
High Torque Camshaft (From a Friend)

Looking to make a 347 Stroker out of this 302.
Keeping the 302 at .030 over
using the 351 Heads if that is what the truly are
Go with a 3.400 stroke Crankshaft
5.4" Connecting Rods (Not sure if I or H Beam would be better)
.030 Pistons (Looking for 9.6-10.2 Comp Ratio, not sure what style pistons would be best, Flat, Dish, dome, or any variation of those with valve reliefs, Forged or Hypereutectic pistons)
High torque Camshaft,
Hydraulic Lifters,
Carb: Not sure Looking at a 4BBL Double Pump Double Feed, preferabbly Edelbrock,
and Intake Manifold is another thing I am not sure of.
Going with just regular Exhaust manifolds for now.

These are just a start to the questions that I will be having.
The motor is going into a 1996 Ford Mustang.
I want to be able to take this car out onto the street, but also take it to the dragstrip for some weekend fun.

Thank You for any and all suggestions.