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Thread: '76 Torino Door Glass

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  1. #1
    rspears's Avatar
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    '76 Torino Door Glass


    A buddy is taking his one-owner '76 Torino apart for a restoration and is having trouble getting the door glass out. Does anyone know how the regulator arm guide is attached to the bottom of the glass? It seems it has to come off to get the glass out of the door.
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  2. #2
    josh bichard is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It's been a while, but I had to replace my dads glass in his 76 because my x girlfriend broke out the passanger and rear windows. I remember having to drill out the brackets on the glass to get it out of the junk yard car. My dad helped me put it in. Wish this were more detailed man, good luck

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Thanks, Josh. Apparently they rivet the bracket to the glass with aluminum rivets - does not make sense to me, but your recollection rings true with how I'm told it looks. Yesterday a glass guy shared that you have to drill out the attachment, and then get special rivets to put the bracket on the new glass. Guess it's another example of how they shaved pennies off of the build price at the expense of fixing things later.

    Now about that ex-girlfriend breaking glass......?
    Last edited by rspears; 10-01-2009 at 06:25 AM. Reason: Last line
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  4. #4
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    you do not have to use pop rivets they use pop rivets there fast to use the alum split fast were steel could hurt mounting hard ware . i have put them back on with 1/2 20 bolts from the hard ware store with a lock washer or lock nut .you center puch the center out of the rivets and drill out make sure you put a deep well socket or something to make a drill stop so you do not hit the 1/4 panle with the end of the drill bit ....makes i nice dent in you sheet metal
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 10-01-2009 at 06:56 AM.
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  5. #5
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    you do not have to use pop rivets they use pop rivets there fast to use the alum split fast were steel could hurt mounting hard ware . i have put them back on with 1/2 20 bolts from the hard ware store with a lock washer or lock nut .you center puch the center out of the rivets and drill out make sure you put a deep well socket or something to make a drill stop so you do not hit the 1/4 panle with the end of the drill bit ....makes i nice dent in you sheet metal
    Very good advice that I will pass on. Your 1/4 panel comment brought a chuckle.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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