saltflat type wheels
I really like the american racing saltflat specials, I see cragar has a bonneville series. I know the ar is all aluminum and the cragar is a steel hoop with a composite center. Has anyone seen these two wheels side by side? I've seen the ar in person but not the cragar, wondering how they compare? The cragar is cheaper, prob. get what you pay for I guess. Looking for input from those that have seen both. Thanks.
I've never like the steel wheels because they add weight to a car in the worst possible area, unsprung weight!!!
Wheel selection always comes down to your own personal taste and what your budget allows.... My preference for any kind of Hot Rod or performance car is going to be the aluminum wheels....
agreed, wheels can make or brake the car for sure. I was just curious if anyone had seen the cragars and could coment on the build quality.
Eric, I've seen these in person because I'm concidering switching to a salt flat wheel (or spokes) on my 36. I liked the AR's but I liked the Bonnevilles made by Billet Specialties even more. I really like the reverse bead (soft lip). They are part of their Vintage series. They also make a Legacy, Outlaw, Lobeck, and Heritage in the same series. Just another option to check out.
yes, those are very nice, I like the santa fe too, however they are a bit more than I wanted to spend. I have found three saltflat style wheels in my price range. AR, rocket and the cragars. The billet specialties do seem to be a nicer wheel. I wish I could see all three in person before ordering.