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Thread: No turn signals?

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    ocezam's Avatar
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    No turn signals?


    Hope this is the correct forum to post this...

    My roadster suddenly has no turn signals. I can't think of anything I may have done recently to cause it.

    The fuse panel/wiring kit is an area where the builder seems to have saved a few bucks in this car. Neither the wires nor the fuse block are labeled very well. I had to pull each fuse to check individually as I couldn't determine what each circuit was. I found one 10 amp fuse that had a broken blade (these are standard, not mini, blade fuses). Replaced that, still no signals.

    The flasher isn't part of the fuse block. Its hanging loose. In fact, there seems to be two flashers, both hanging loose. Why would a rod have two flashers? Is there something that looks like a flasher that I'm getting confused with? These are both round pieces about an inch and a quarter or so in circumference.

    This is exactly how one of them looks, the other looks about the same with different writing on it:

    Other than signals, all of the other electrical circuits work fine.

    What should I check next?

    Thanks for your time...

    Last edited by ocezam; 05-01-2016 at 09:56 AM.

  2. #2
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    One is for the turn signals and the other one is for the hazard circuit. Do you have stop lights?
    Ken Thomas
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  3. #3
    ocezam's Avatar
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    Good question. Just checked. Nope, no stop lights.

    Headlights, front running lights, taillights, license plate light, all OK.

    No signals front or rear and no stop lights.

    Thanks for your reply.

  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    The stop lights could be fused, but I doubt that they are. You only need 3 wires to the rear, one for the tail lights and license plate light and two for the stop/turn signal lights. One for the left and one for the right which leads me to believe neither are broken. Check the brake light switch that should be mounted on the brake pedal arm and the grounds in the rear as either one could be your problem. If you have tail lights I would not suspect grounds unless you have a 4 light system in the rear. BTW, one of the flasher units will be either bigger or heavier or both and that one is the 4 way flasher.
    Last edited by NTFDAY; 05-01-2016 at 12:03 PM.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #5
    ocezam's Avatar
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    OK. Again thanks for the help. I also just checked, the hazard/4 ways are working fine.


  6. #6
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocezam View Post
    OK. Again thanks for the help. I also just checked, the hazard/4 ways are working.
    I would think that narrows it down to the brake light switch. If it's a Ford style unit I'd buy two and carry one for a spare, they are notorious for failing.
    Ken Thomas
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  7. #7
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    BTW, a Ford style unit attaches where master cylinder rod and brake pedal arm intersect.
    Ken Thomas
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  8. #8
    cffisher's Avatar
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    Sounds like more than one problem. T/S flasher and or break sw. I'd check for power going to T/S flasher
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    ocezam's Avatar
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    Well, again, thanks for everyone's help. I braved the winter blast we have been having in Colorado the last 5 days and got into my no heat, no windows, roadster and went for a 5 mile cruise. Bitter cold. Halfway through the ride the signals started working.

    Great. Only thing worse than an electrical problem is an intermittent electrical problem.

    I'll work through it somehow...

    Thank you for your time gentlemen.


  10. #10
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    In this day age driving with no stop lights is playing Russian Roulette.
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    Ken Thomas
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  11. #11
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    In this day age driving with no stop lights is playing Russian Roulette.
    I'd really like to have an LED indicator on the dash wired in parallel with the brake lights. I'm not fond of the pressure switch actuator on the '33 - already had one fail and very nearly got rear ended because of it....
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  12. #12
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I'd really like to have an LED indicator on the dash wired in parallel with the brake lights. I'm not fond of the pressure switch actuator on the '33 - already had one fail and very nearly got rear ended because of it....
    Assuming you have normal type circuit the turn signals will either not work or blink either fast or slow depending on what went out.
    I would think that you could wire an led across the brake light switch. I would have to draw a diagram first, I can do it my head though I've found that if I draw it out I make less mistakes. I might try that on the Mustang as the brake light switch is easily accessible.
    Ken Thomas
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  13. #13
    rspears's Avatar
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    A better way of saying it would have been, "I wish I'd have put an LED on the dash, wired in parallel with the brake lights." It's more of a hassle to retrofit....
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  14. #14
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    A better way of saying it would have been, "I wish I'd have put an LED on the dash, wired in parallel with the brake lights." It's more of a hassle to retrofit....
    Quite true, but not impossible you could always hang it under the dash.

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    Ken Thomas
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  15. #15
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocezam View Post
    Well, again, thanks for everyone's help. I braved the winter blast we have been having in Colorado the last 5 days and got into my no heat, no windows, roadster and went for a 5 mile cruise. Bitter cold. Halfway through the ride the signals started working.

    Great. Only thing worse than an electrical problem is an intermittent electrical problem.

    I'll work through it somehow...

    Thank you for your time gentlemen.

    This statement points me towards a loose connection, or a bad one, somewhere in those circuits. I think I would start at the flasher, disconnecting, cleaning, greasing, and work my way toward the extremities.

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