I was looking at getting a compressor for painting parts no larger than panels. All I've got is a dinky 2 hp (max) 10 gallon unit, but my uncle is going to give me a large oxygen tank that he said I shoudl use as a reserve unit. Woudl someone care to explain how I would hook it up and what hte use would be? I'm assuming I'd just fill it up to a very high PSI (can take up to 2400 PSI) and it would act as a larger tank that is only filled to 100 PSI. I have tried seraching around but can't quite figure out what parts I'd need... here's what I've found

Compressor - preferably 2 stage, 5+ HP, 80 Gallon
25' Hose
H20 Remover
Pressure Regulator at the connection to the tool
Paint gun (only used for primering and touch up painting [flames])

Guess this one is actually 2 questions, what's the purpose of a reserve tank and how would I use it in my case. And doe smy list include all the parts? This will be a unit that will have to be put away quite often.