leaf spring traction control ideas
i have been looking at some kind of wheel hop controll for my leaf springed t bucket. i am using the leaf springs from a nova and know all about the theory of traction bars, but would they have to be on the bottom of the axle or could they actually be set on top of the rear axle if enough room there to save ground clearance. my other idea would be to set up either a bar with rubber isolators from a mount extended from the top of the rearend forward the same distance as the front leaf spring length . this would allow the rear axle to move up and down without binding plus also control spring wind up.
another idea would be to mount shocks horozontaly from above the rearend to a point in front or behind the rear axle kind of like the mid 80S mustangs had. this would also help controll the axle wind.
anybody out her evey try any of the above or have any ideas .