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Thread: Converting Mono to Multi Leaf

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  1. #1
    SBC's Avatar
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    Converting Mono to Multi Leaf


    1969 Nova -

    The first thing I noticed is that a new mounting plate is needed for the stacked springs. I'm not sure about the t-bolt and u-bolt business or even what they are at this point.

    PST has a kit for $350 that includes Springs, T-Bolts, U-Bolts, Mounting Pads, Steel Mounting Plates.
    PST Poly bushings are $50. Total $400 plus shipping.

    JCWhitney has leaf springs for ~$150 shipped.
    JCW Poly bushings are $50.
    But where do I get the other parts with assurance that they fit?

    OR is the PST product actually better and worth $150 more for T-Bolts, U-Bolts, Mounting Pads, Steel Mounting Plates as a set?

    I thought this was a simple job til I began looking at parts!

    Thanks - BBos

  2. #2
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    U didnt say if the old leafs are bad, or what u want to accomplish by changing them.
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  3. #3
    SBC's Avatar
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    I rebuilt the front end. Now you can really feel the 'weak' rear end. The rear currently is mono leaf with airshocks.

    With low air pressure the rear seems to dip more on the driver's side. With 60lbs of pressure it feels like riding on a pile driver.

    The mono springs look almost flat and actually look bent to me. I'll try to post a picture for other opinions.

    Maybe I should just put some heavy duty gas shocks first and see how it rides.

    I really just want a solid cruising rear end that will hold up to hard acceleration. I won't be drag racing but I do like to put the pedal down chirp the rear tires ocassionally.

    At the very least - it needs new bushings and shocks - so if a multi-leaf set makes sense - nows the time to do it.

    Bert Bos

  4. #4
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    Sounds like at least 1 of the leafs are broke. If not just add more leafs. Get longer U bolts to reach around the extra leafs, they even sell those at farm supply places. If u need leaf bolts they usually have them too, they are extra long and u cut off what u dont need after u clamp them down. As for bushings a press will push those out and in easily. Or u might find some good used monos to sart out with.
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  5. #5
    SBC's Avatar
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    Here are some pictures.
    This leaf looks twised or bent down towards the front.
    I'll post more pictures in the gallery.

    Maybe I ought to focus on RUST!
    By removing the rear end and gas tank I can get to it.
    There's at least a week or so of prep and paint in this area.

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    Last edited by SBC; 04-14-2005 at 03:16 PM.

  6. #6
    atlas swinford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If you have all the right parts its not a bad job to switch to multi leaf.I have done this to my camaro.The best suggestion I can make is to get a year one catalog. They have everything you need.They can even help with tech support.The worst part of the job is changing the spring perchs as the multis are much deeper than the monos. Good luck youll like the differance
    atlas swinford

  7. #7
    SBC's Avatar
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    >> The worst part of the job is changing the spring perchs

    OK - now we're talking.
    So - Do I need to weld new perches to the rear-end, or do I need to find a new shock mount plate for under the springs.


  8. #8
    kcress's Avatar
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    Yeah that leaf looks toasted! Pretzelized. Your brake backing plate looks a little sketchy?? Hope that isn't brake fluid stains on it.

    That 400 bucks seems like a high price... I had four multilayer leaf springs made for me from scratch by Betts Springs, (big spring company), and it didn't cost THAT much. I then made the u bolts myself out of high carbon 1060 rod. Bent them with heat. Threaded them with an impact wrench and lots of cutting oil.

    Don't know what tools you have or if you don't mind spending bucks or would rather spend time...

  9. #9
    dowierj is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    okay so i have the same problem, I need to reuse the bottom plate b/c i need the shock tower bracket, so do i have to cut to top off and weld in a proper one? oh and its a 67 camaro

  10. #10
    SBC's Avatar
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    I've ordered Springs and have researched mounting them.
    The best/easiest I've found is to add a Block on either side to make up for the spring gap. I have a good picture link at work that I'll send Monday.

    I've attached a simple schematic.
    Not sure how it will come over.

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    Last edited by SBC; 05-13-2005 at 06:21 PM.

  11. #11
    SBC's Avatar
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    Any feedback?
    Does this look like a decent plan?

    I also though about welding a steel plate to the shock mount, outside of the U-bolt, but that wouldn't support the spring laterally as well.

    I've seen some with just the U-Bolt, But that just doesn't seem adequate!

    Last edited by SBC; 05-13-2005 at 06:43 PM.

  12. #12
    dowierj is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ya, that is exactly the plan, I dont know if im gonna make the 4 blocks to sit inbetween the top and bottom plates. I wish i was still in highschool with access to a machine shop. A buddys 66 mustang with multileaf set up has a gap inbetween, i dont know if all mustangs did or that one was also converted....I think im gonna just keep that space open and see what happens....

  13. #13
    SBC's Avatar
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