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Thread: Question for techinspector1

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    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Car Year, Make, Model: 70 Camaro Z-28 Now/40 Chevy Back Then

    Question for techinspector1


    Hi Richard. One of these days I may have some time to get back to work on the "Z" chassis. When I do, one thing I need to do is beef up the back half.

    Art Morrison recommends the brace from the main loop to the back half rails (Like the ones I have tacked in place ''purple arrow''). Then adding "X" braces that I have drawn in ''blue and yellow''. But, I took a little "artistic license if you will when I put an aluminum housing in instead of their steel 9" housing. and i also added an anti-roll bar that's mounted behind those braces. The "red arrow" shows my mounting point for the shocks and the anti-roll bar that is beyond the 1 5/8 tube I have tacked in as a support from the cage to back half rails. I've seen several cars that run the brace back to near the rear body panel as I've shown in the pic. in "green.". Art Morrison contends a brace like the "green" brace will actually provide less support than the type I have which stop at the top of the back half rail "humps". I will also be mounting a chute to the frame rails further increasing the stress on the back half rails.

    Contrary to Morrison's recommendations, it seems to me without the "Green" brace all the stress of the shocks / anti-roll bar / & parachute will bear upon the area of the frame rail between the "purple and red" arrows. Tech guy "Ritch" said ''you can't build the back half strong enough''. I didn't think to ask him this particular question during tech that day. In your countless inspections of door slammers, what seems to be the best most efficient set-up for back half bracing? I want it strong but don't want to just throw braces in any ol' way making it unnecessarily heavy. ( and fuggly). Thanks for your input.
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