I need help building My front and Rear Suspenion on My 30 Coupe
but i want to do it Rat Roddish ????
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I need help building My front and Rear Suspenion on My 30 Coupe
but i want to do it Rat Roddish ????
Ok, so buggy springs and hairpins would work. I guess I don't know what you mead by rat roddish????
Isn't that German for Red Radish?
Seriously, If I were to build a ratrod (which is likely to happen when they open a winter beach resort in Nome) I'd go with rusty split 'bones, rusty buggy springs and rusty friction shocks.
I think you nailed it, Jack. also, no wire feed welding, just a stick welder and always use the wrong rod, wrong heat, and a frayed ground cable !!!!!!
Nome can be beautiful this time O' year. :LOL:Quote:
Originally posted by Henry Rifle
Isn't that German for Red Radish?
Seriously, If I were to build a ratrod (which is likely to happen when they open a winter beach resort in Nome) I'd go with rusty split 'bones, rusty buggy springs and rusty friction shocks.
Sandblast all the parts and leave 'em unpainted.
Paint the wheels Radish red.
Just build it safe.
"no wire feed welding, just a stick welder and always use the wrong rod, wrong heat, and a frayed ground cable !!!!!!"
Yep, sounds like me in 1958 as a 16 year old nutball.
Geez Tech, we must have grown up in the same era with the same attitude !!!! Too bad it wasn't the same neighborhood, we could have been dangerous !!!!!!!!!!!
And draggin' the ground cable through a little mud puddle won't hurt one bit. Might tingle a little but that's O.K.:LOL:
Hey !!!!!!! I resemble that remark (LOL)Quote:
Originally posted by techinspector1
"no wire feed welding, just a stick welder and always use the wrong rod, wrong heat, and a frayed ground cable !!!!!!"
Yep, sounds like me in 1958 as a 16 year old nutball.
Sorry about the whole Rat roddish thing i meant to say HardCore Traditional Hot Rod.... so buggy springs are just the single spring in the front that goes across the axle???? Could i use a 42 Chevy1/4ton truck front axle??
No problemo ..... we're just ol' geezers lookin' to entertain ourselves. HEHEHE:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Harmless really.........:)Quote:
Originally posted by KustomKoupe
Sorry about the whole Rat roddish thing i meant to say HardCore Traditional Hot Rod....
Probally not, not the right set up to mount the buggy spring & hairpins or radius rods.....Quote:
Originally posted by KustomKoupe
Sorry about the whole Rat roddish thing i meant to say HardCore Traditional Hot Rod.... so buggy springs are just the single spring in the front that goes across the axle???? Could i use a 42 Chevy1/4ton truck front axle??
The axle ya need will look like this, the hole where the spring pad would be on your truck axle is for the spring perch and hairpins to mount.....
heres a pic of a hair pin,
here's a shot of an adjustable spring perch, I'll see if I can find a decent pic of a complete setup....