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Thread: Heidts Or Tci

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    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Heidts Or Tci


    Ok i'm wanting a IFS for the car . Questions is on the alighnment . The Heidts has to be pulled apart to align . The TCI has a eccentric which allows the alignment with a tool. Both companies build great products . Just wondering which will hold up the alighnment the best . If i hit a bump or pot hole what would be your input . This is for the 31 A and do you think Power steering is needed . It's late in the year and i will not see shows or cars till this summer. All you rodder's have great knowledge.
    Last edited by bluestang67; 01-11-2007 at 01:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    This is the TCI Chrome and Stainless version which I believe to be a better choice than Heidt's if only for alignment ease. I have never heard of any problems with either as far as maintaining alignment. They are both a 'standard of the industry'. Which ever you end up with will be fine.

    You really do not need power steering on a 22 - 2800 pound car nor power brakes with a disc setup for that matter tho I do have a 4 wheel disc P/B setup on mine. P/S really adds to the congestion in the front of a very small engine bay, water pump to radiator clearance, and a very narrow frame.

    As a note, you have to modify the front fender brackets with either set up
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  3. #3
    lightninrodman is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have seen the TCI eccentric move on several cars. Especially if someone loses the supplied serrated setscrews and replaces them with cup point setscrews. . Get it aligned and drill a hole and pin the eccentric to the tube or tack weld it.

    Eccentrics moving is nothing new, alot of guys I know who have an early mustang that sees any kind of hard use has to pin or tack the lower control arm adjusting eccentric to keep it put.

    Those urethane bushings in that tci design transfer all the road vibration to that eccentric and it makes those setscrews come loose.

    That's been my experience.

    I second Dave's reccomendation for NO power steering. Unless you are going to let someone really weak drive your car.

    Last edited by lightninrodman; 01-11-2007 at 06:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I've never had any problem with either holding alignment... Had a Heidt's on my roadster a number of years back. I ran over 30,000 trouble free miles with the car. Since I sold it, it has logged another 12,000 miles and still no problem. As for the power steering, don't bother. Save the room and $$$$ for something else..
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    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Thank you guys . Ireland nice pics . The new systems are clean looking and fender braces are a little easier then moding fenders . As for the room ev 1 is right less is good and at 50 i do want A/C and a compromise is easy.

    I would think that the new manual rack is alot easier then the old manual gear boxes i remember parking . The car being light and a sbf of choice for it ,weight should be at a minimum.

    Next would be tire's would like to run 15' rims but i dont like a low profile tire. Clearance issues when turning with this unit has to be researched . I want to fill the openings but not pack them .

  6. #6
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluestang67
    Thank you guys . Ireland nice pics . The new systems are clean looking and fender braces are a little easier then moding fenders . As for the room ev 1 is right less is good and at 50 i do want A/C and a compromise is easy.

    I would think that the new manual rack is alot easier then the old manual gear boxes i remember parking . The car being light and a sbf of choice for it ,weight should be at a minimum.

    Next would be tire's would like to run 15' rims but i dont like a low profile tire. Clearance issues when turning with this unit has to be researched . I want to fill the openings but not pack them .
    This is a 5.0L SB Ford with A/C (yep, in a roadster - but that's another story)
    15's on the front (Yokohamas)
    17's on the back (Dunlops - no Yokos of the size I wanted)

    The A/C in-dash is a Vintage Air Gen ll mini which fits tight and nicely, but is probably too small for a sedan
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  7. #7
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Ire nice look tires fit well. I really like the stance up in the air just a bit . Well think im choosing the heidts the rod shop near by in Plainfield ILL will match price. I think just in case there's a prob ill be close to get it corrected . Ire thank you for the pics .

    I am one who can duplicate buy seeing some work of others. As with all i may do it a few times to get it right , just as long as it gets finished.

  8. #8
    Roy@RoysAuto's Avatar
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    I have the TCI on my 32 Plymouth Sedan but I dont have any eccentrics on the lower control arms. My fenders braces fit just fine also. The only thing I don't lke about the TCI is the stabilizer bar. The heim set-up to conect it to the lower control arm looks terrible since all the rest of the components are chrome. As far as P/S goes I have it on mine but I also have a blower which I thought would add a lot more weight to the front. Besides at 57 and Ole man Arthritus setting in I thought it would be a good idea. I got my P/S set up from Street & Performance and it really fits nice and tight. They have some really good stuff that fits right out of the box.

  9. #9
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I had decided on getting the Heidt's kit for $1435 optioned to $2170...I was doing my pricing with Yogi's catelog while I waited for Heidt's catelog to arrive. Well it arrived today and although Yogi's said $1435 with everything you need (I assumed cross member as well) Heidt's pricing is similar to that with no cross member which leads me to believe Yogi's price does not include a cross member. So instead of paying $2170, according to Heidt's catelog it would be $2,645...keep in mind this is for thier MII w/ the options I want not the Superide II. I guess its back to the drawing board for me. I'll have to either take an option off or get what I want from Fatman Fab for cheaper...
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  10. #10
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    35 Welder Series out of Canada has a cross member you put together and saves some funds. This was a thought for me too. The thing that changed my mind was the ease of getting all parts needed at once.

    Ordered the Heidts Super ride today and they matched price that was on ebay from a distributer. I got it at over $600 in savings with a stabilizer bar . While there one tech answered alot of my questions and even took me in shop and showed me cars in process. This type of facility is very helpfull. I'm going to visit when i can and bring the donut's .

    Roy thanks for the reply . I am putting mine under full fenders so looks are not a option for me. I'm looking to build a car to drive and have some fun in . heidts comes with polished alum. caliper i would have been happy with cast iron . Very paintable and no hard clean up time . Power steering would be great but like some i want to build a budget rod . The new racks should turn fine in the manual option if my elboe's go to hurting i will power it up . I have a T5 i want to install , clutch pedal wear on my leg is a concern . i'm hoping to get car finished in a year so by 51 i will be able to tell myself. One thing we will smile alot while we drive them.

  11. #11
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy@RoysAuto
    I have the TCI on my 32 Plymouth Sedan but I dont have any eccentrics on the lower control arms. My fenders braces fit just fine also. The only thing I don't lke about the TCI is the stabilizer bar. The heim set-up to conect it to the lower control arm looks terrible since all the rest of the components are chrome. .
    Although I haven't replaced the TCI zinc chromated Heim's yet, I intend on doing so from Speedway. I complained when I got my frame that I had spent a lot extra for chrome and stainless, why not complete it - their answer was -"this is the way we supply it....". They do have a customer service problem and you are better off buying from a dealer.

    Eccentrics are on the top only with any Mll suspension - no need for a lower adjustment as it handles both caster and camber.

    With a Plymouth, you probably wont get anywhere close to the fender brackets with the suspension. All '28 - '32 Fords require bracket mods. It's not hard, just time consuming - and for me, gave me a chance to try out my then, new, mig welder.

    Bluestang - give Yogi's a call - they have been very good for anything I've needed. I was able to swap a gas tank with them after 2 years(I have a rear mounted '32 style gas tank, frame horn repair stubs and covers and a spreader bar all purchased from them at very nice pricing and it was free shipping).

  12. #12
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluestang67
    35 Welder Series out of Canada has a cross member you put together and saves some funds. This was a thought for me too. The thing that changed my mind was the ease of getting all parts needed at once.

    Ordered the Heidts Super ride today and they matched price that was on ebay from a distributer. I got it at over $600 in savings with a stabilizer bar . While there one tech answered alot of my questions and even took me in shop and showed me cars in process. This type of facility is very helpfull. I'm going to visit when i can and bring the donut's .

    Roy thanks for the reply . I am putting mine under full fenders so looks are not a option for me. I'm looking to build a car to drive and have some fun in . heidts comes with polished alum. caliper i would have been happy with cast iron . Very paintable and no hard clean up time . Power steering would be great but like some i want to build a budget rod . The new racks should turn fine in the manual option if my elboe's go to hurting i will power it up . I have a T5 i want to install , clutch pedal wear on my leg is a concern . i'm hoping to get car finished in a year so by 51 i will be able to tell myself. One thing we will smile alot while we drive them.
    Any chance you noticed an ebay listing for a superide II so I could con Heidt's into giving me a discount too??? My Yogi's catelog says "Ask us about our current promotions on these kits!!!" so i'm hoping if I call them they will have a very reasonable price to offer me One can hope...
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  13. #13
    33toolman is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Progressive Automotive also carry the mustang II conversion kits, but I imagine there prices are close to everyone else's

  14. #14
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    Two more that have good reps and have been around a long while:



    But ya gotta remember that some little known or small regional companies have a virtually untested product and may be out of business if you need parts in a few years

  15. #15
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    35 i ordered mine from a local rod shop but in ebay the rod shop thats selling them this way is listing most of Heidts and TCI in his adds. He has over 400 sales at 100% feedback. 35 message me i will give info. I called him and he was very helpfull in tech questions i would have had no probs getting it thru ebay either.

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