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Thread: 2 lug nuts?

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  1. #1
    Rugratman's Avatar
    Rugratman is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Car Year, Make, Model: 67 Pontiac GTO

    2 lug nuts?


    Any reason why you can't run two lug nut's on a wheel stud?

    The reason I ask, I put new studs in and they are too long. My old stock ones are shorter, My wheels are the chrome Pontiac ralley 2 types, and I have the red tipped lug nuts, They are correct and look great.
    I have some chrome regular tapered lug nuts on now, and I put one of my red ones on over it, they look kinda cool.

    I need to cut them down, but it's going to be a couple of weeks or so, before I get my cut off tool back from a buddy, and I have 2 show's this weekend.
    They won't over tighten will they?
    Hopefully not too stupid of a question, but I have never seen anyone do it before, So I thought maybe there was a reason, other then it's not needed.
    Bolt in studs, not the knurl type.
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    I am just learning as I go.

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