I'm looking to set my car up to resemble a Gasser. I'm looking for info about setting the castor and camber on a straight axle.
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I'm looking to set my car up to resemble a Gasser. I'm looking for info about setting the castor and camber on a straight axle.
I need to know where you got your spindles and axle ends the hook to the spindles. Also what brakes can you use? I also am in the process of building a gasser. VW Beetle Thanks MiMax Email me Hables@Columbus.RR.Com
The camber is pretty much set on a straight axle, no adjustments other then bending the ax a bit....and good luck finding an alignment shop equipped to do that anymore!!!! 5 to 7 degrees on the caster should do the trick. More caster makes turning a bit more difficult, but adds to straight tracking stability. Back in the sprint car days on long tracks we would run as much as 10 degrees....
......and front motored diggers used to use upwards of 30 degrees.....
For street use, 7 dg is fine. Dial in a little more for a more positive return to center. On the track I believe 22 is required. You will need to play with it a bit to find where it is comfortable and doesn't want to wander.
Your local truck shop can adjust the camber.
Make sure the steering box is on the high spot for toe in. 1/8 th inch is a good starting point. A drive down a cement driveway will tell you if too much or too little. When right, there will be no marks or a even mark. Darker on the outside is to much. On the inside , to little.
For street use, stabilizers are highly recommended. The high center of gravity makes them (gassers):) a handful when cornering.