Originally posted by tcodi
Got my offset dowels last night. It only took me about 3 hours of putting them in, checking the runout, taking them out, putting them in at a different angle, checking runout . . .repeat. . repeat, repeat. . and I finally got it right on the money.
One question though, should I be using grade 8 for the bell bolts? I got grade 5 and assumed that was strong enough.
How about the trans. bolts? grade 5 I have.
The manufacturer says the first step to break the trans in is to run it up and down through all the gears (while jacked up). Is it safe to run a car sitting on jackstands, or could it shake off them?
What if I do this before I get a drive shaft. Could I just run the trans with no slip yoke in it at all?
Sorry, that was more like 4 questions.