1 Attachment(s)
Check balls??? How many????
Originally posted by pat mccarthy
the hard part will be compressing the spring packs on the drums but you can make some thing up i have used 2 C lamps and on the front pump flip it and i use the case to line up the front pump haves .to bolt them up
Thanks Denny and Pat,
Already bought 2 C clamps at wal-mart at $0.97 each. Beats the heck out of a ram press huh?
Yeah, I was wondering how to line those up without the dowel pins that the manual speaks of, so thanks for the rebel intelligence Pat! Also found an article from hot rod mag. with picture showing the assembly turned upside down in the case to line it up.
Question: Had the tranny bottom side up on the bench removing the valve body; the manual shows there are supposed to be 4 check balls, but after removal of the valve body, I only found 1 in the #1 position shown. I was real careful not to misplace any or let them stick to the separation plate when removing it????
I do believe the trans had a shift kit installed previously. Do those kits eliminate any of the check balls????
I think I am getting the picture
Thanks blue and pat,
Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
The factory manual (one the GM dealership technitions use) shows purely stock components. Now, in their picture they are showing a valve body to spacer plate gasket, the spacer plate, and a spacer plate to housing face gasket. My set up has only a one piece plate with gasket type material on both sides that I previously tried to remove and made a comment on earlier. Is this what is supplied in shift kits?? I looked on Summits page at shift kits and it shows these same type separation gaskets (plates) with 3 options.
I have never seen a kit before so I dont know. If this is correct, then I suppose the overhaul kit I ordered is going to come with the gaskets only and not the actual plate so I will have to either reuse this one (if I didnt damage it trying to remove the seal material) or order another shift kit???:confused: :whacked:
where to get hard parts???
After disassembly and inspection it seems that I am going to need a direct clutch pressure plate, overrun clutch support, and possibly a new forward drum. The steels in the direct clutch assembly were scored up pretty bad. Guess I found out where the metal in the pan came from.
Could anyone recommend a quality supplier?? Are these parts still available new since this is a trans from the 70's???
I would rather not go to the boneyard.
THM 350. Non lock up.