Don't run that 350 too much in a handicapped state. You'll burn it up and then it won't be any good. You'll have to buy a new tranny then...Also, don't really like the whole junkyard idea...you have no idea what happened to that tranny before it was sold to you...If i were in that position i would just rebuild the 350...very cheap because its an older and very common tranny.
Well guys, i dropped the pan, the linkage inside the tranny seemed to be working properly, i had a friend go through the gears and then i did and he looked, he said it looked like the linkage was working fine. So i dropped the TH350 and put the powerglide back in...and well..it's not bad..but it's got nowhere near the balls the TH350 had. But if i set the modulator right i should be able to get it to where i'm only at 2500rpm at 70mph when i'm on the highway...i'm gonna get a TH350 street fighter tranny from TCI..but i'll hold off till i can find me a good built engine to go with it.
THanks for all the help! She may not be as fast, but she at least tops 35mph. haha