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Thread: Neutral safety switch- column to tranny linkage

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  1. #1
    chromepro is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 68 Ford f100

    Neutral safety switch- column to tranny linkage


    I've got a 1968 f100 2x4, that I'm converting from Bendix to Saginaw steering box, along with a newer 1979 steering column. Problem being that the old column had the neutral safety switch on the column and the new one is setup for the NSS on the tranny linkage. I've been told that it's possible to cut two slots into my linkage and install a NSS, but nobody seems to know where to cut at. Any ideas? I'm currently trying to find 1979 linkage, which is the first year the NSS went to the tranny, but so far no luck. Lokar has a new setup for Chevy, but would take some major reworking to get it to work for mine, plus it's backup lights or NSS not both (old column switch has both of course). Thank you in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    slowpoke's Avatar
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    Ron Francis has one that mounts on Ford C4. Factory switch I believe. I used it on my C4.

  3. #3
    junkyardjeff's Avatar
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    All you need to do is find the correct 78 and newer switch that will bolt to your trans and hook the wires up,the switch bolts to the trans and slips over the linkage. I have done this a few times and its easy as my 55 ford and a friends 56 mercury both have C-4s and I wired them up to the original wiring. Jeff

  4. #4
    chromepro is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 68 Ford f100

    I see that I forgot to say that it has a C-6, but I would think that shouldn't matter too much. Question, you mention that the NSS "bolts" to the tranny, or just onto the linkage? Thank you gentleman!
    Last edited by chromepro; 12-29-2005 at 09:42 AM.

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