Can anyone id this for me. All thats listed in hurst indy auto floor shifter. I want to know the part number or model number so I can get parts I need for it.
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Can anyone id this for me. All thats listed in hurst indy auto floor shifter. I want to know the part number or model number so I can get parts I need for it.
it's a hurst Indy Matic 1, like a $80 floor shifter in Jegs. parts should be available through them or directly through Hurst, it's still produced and pretty common
There's really not too much too them joker, just a spring loaded handle on a couple of brackets, a rod and various shift levers for different transmissions.
Where there's not much too them there's not much that can go wrong (I ran 1 for 13 years in my 58 Chevy before I sold it.)
I'm, not sure who actually makes them, I've seen the same shifter marked Hurst, Mr Gaskget, B&M and plain over the years. LIke Matt says there only about $80 new, and places like Pep Boys often have them on the shelf.
I just put one in my 64 Ford, so if you buy a used one and don't have the tranny shift lever you need (except the one for the Ford C4/6) let me know and I'll see if I can dig up the left over ones from my kit.
MY biggest complaint with them is that the only dentent they have is for park. AFTER you get it installed and the throw from park thru low adjusted where you like it you can do like I did and use a die grinder to add a reverse lockout detent.
There's some pictures of my install at
MikeP, I bought this one off of Ebay, paid 30 for it. So I am thinking I will need a linkage for my tranny. I am going to run a slant 6 with I think the 904 tranny. Not sure on this I will measure the tranny later today and post what it is. Thanks
MikeP, the tranny I have is the 904. So if you have the linkage for this tranny I would be interested.
Joker, I wish I had your kind of luck..... I just walked out to the shop to get the brackets and instructions so I could send you the right one.
Here's what the instructions say for the 727 and 904
"This installation simply accepts connection of the kit rod to the stock selector arm. Transmission arm/adaptor supplied with the kit are not used"
Basically what you have should hook up. From my experience, chances are you will have to "tweek" the rod you have somewhat, and you may want to redrill the hole in the arm that comes down off the shifter up higher so that you have a longer throw on the shifter and the gear changes don't seem so close together.
LOL thanks Mike, For once something is going easy for me. This is the only thing that has worked out without having to spend more for it to work. I guess Birthday wishes do come true :D