I just installed my tranny after getting a mild shift kit put in by the local shop. After install, I was driving it around and noticed some white smoke trailing me. I pulled over to find tranny fluid dripping on the headers from the TOP of the engine...... I drove over to the guy who worked on my tranny to put it up on a lift. Come to find out, I just slightly over filled the tranny and it was coming out the top of the dipstick.
Anyway, to my question....the mechanic noticed that I didn't have a kickdown switch hooked up. The switch is there, but no wires. He told me that I need to install one because the transmission won't downshift if I ever get on it and won't build pressure in the lines...and long term will blow the transmission. Question is, I have no idea how to wire this up. He said it attatches to the throttle somehow, but he was pretty vague in the details. I just nodded my head, smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Is this really necessary and if so, could someone give me some guidance in how I need to rig this thing up? thanks again everyone for all the past help.