Any recommendations for tranny lines? I'm getting ready to install the 460 with the c6, and was wondering what to use and how to secure them. The old lines were thin rubber hose and were just hanging down when I go the truck. Thanks.
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Any recommendations for tranny lines? I'm getting ready to install the 460 with the c6, and was wondering what to use and how to secure them. The old lines were thin rubber hose and were just hanging down when I go the truck. Thanks.
"Assuming" you are using the radiator cooler, just run some 5/16 line from the trans to the frame rail to just in front of the engine. Put some rubber or braided steel(for appearance) hose as a vibration damper on each end and you are done. The original (OEM) was bracketed to pan bolts (at least the three F250/350's I had were), and if you go that way instead of along the frame rail, then you only need the flex at the radiato:) r.Quote:
Originally Posted by stovens
The 5/16 is auto parts store brake line stuff and is in up to 6' lengths
Thanks Dave. I'm leaning towards braided stainless for the look. Not sure of where to clip the lines, other than one side of the frame to keep them from hanging down. In answer to your question they do go into the radiator, which I believe is off of a 71 continental donor car but who knows. Eventually I will get an f1 aluminum radiator with built in trans. cooler that looks like the stock original, but for now the old one works fine.
Any ideas of where to get some nice clips to hold the lines up?
I used some aluminum tubing and braided hose on the pickup if you're going for some shiny's and have a few extra $$$$ to get rid of!!!!!! Looks neat, but I doubt it works one bit better then plain old steel line and rubber hose!!!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I hear yah Dave!To start with it will be rubber hose and simple tubing, but will eventually get some window dressing!:D
Heck yeah!!!! Got to have some shiny's and bling here and there---The guys in the shops that make that stuff need to make a living too!!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by stovens
PS----Given sufficient time, I can justify most unnecessary expenditures on my Hot Rods!!!!!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: