How can you tell the difference? They have the same pan.
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How can you tell the difference? They have the same pan.
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as far as i know a 350 pan only fits a 350. not sure what the 250 is. :confused:Quote:
Originally posted by dweezil
How can you tell the difference? They have the same pan.
I think he means 200. Also, doesnt some of the t-350s have the number on the top of the bellhousing?
dont know about the numbers, but the pans are not the same:DQuote:
Originally posted by drg84
I think he means 200. Also, doesnt some of the t-350s have the number on the top of the bellhousing?
Here's a pic of the pans. Rather than cut and past just the GM stuff, I choose to just post the entire pic.
I never heard of a 250 before, but a transmission rebuilding catalog I have at home (I'm at work now, don't tell anyone) shows that 13 bolt pan as a 350 or 250. It is in a 82 malibu with a 229 v6. What is the difference between a 350 and a 350c? Car will probably get a bbc and t400, but I'm curious about the existing trans.
Originally posted by dweezil
I never heard of a 250 before, but a transmission rebuilding catalog I have at home (I'm at work now, don't tell anyone) shows that 13 bolt pan as a 350 or 250. It is in a 82 malibu with a 229 v6. What is the difference between a 350 and a 350c? Car will probably get a bbc and t400, but I'm curious about the existing trans.
ive been to the g.m. schools for the 350 and 400 but havent seen a 250, but the 350 had a felt filter for a while and they would stop up to quick, so they changed to a paper one. i think thats where the 350/c comes in. :confused:
GM did make a 250 Trans, They used them in the Vega and other small cars. They are a cheap 350 trans. Less clutches and no second gear servo showing on the outside of the trans.
what yr vega? i think youer thinking about the powerglide.Quote:
Originally posted by Roden4fun
GM did make a 250 Trans, They used them in the Vega and other small cars. They are a cheap 350 trans. Less clutches and no second gear servo showing on the outside of the trans.
Ive never heard of a t-250 either. Are you sure you dont mean a t-200? These trannies are commonly found behind very small block GMs and V6's in the early 80s.
Originally posted by Roden4fun
GM did make a 250 Trans, They used them in the Vega and other small cars. They are a cheap 350 trans. Less clutches and no second gear servo showing on the outside of the trans.
I too have seen a TH-250 and it's just a stripped down TH-350 as Roden4fun said.
Jerry D... the original questions goes, How do you tell the difference between a th350 and a th250? From the exterior they obviously appear identical?
This might help:
A TH-250 Has a band instead of a clutchpack for 2nd gear. If you had a 250 and a 350 sitting next to each other you would be able to tell the difference.