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Wow this weather is just crazy today!

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by on 09-17-2014 at 02:08 PM (2525 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by M.T. View Post
Compared to what the rest of the world puts up with on a regular basis I shouldn't even mention it. But what a weird thing it was. Very Hot clear day, out of no where a black cloud appears over head and dumps so hard that the curbs are running over. The wind starts blowing at hurricane speeds and just rips the hell out of the neighbor hood. 30 minutes later the rain stops along with the wind, the cloud moves on and about a 2 square miles of earth is still in the process of being cleaned up. Of course it happens just before everyone is heading home from work so no power at the gas stations, fast food, or grocery stores. What a mess! I drove around for a while this morning in amazement... Wish I had my camera. Oh well its always good to have a healthy respect for mother nature as well as have an emergency bug out bag ready. Glad I had an extra 5 gallon can of gas in the Desert Hippo.
Its only 90 today and very manageable. Thank God we are almost through Fire season.
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