i seen this i think it is vander built bearing. i think the spelling may not be rigth. the company was sold many times and they went down hill. they had a three pices rear main bearing that looked from the back side look like it was snap two gether. mich used the bearing make up and call it the v bearing much better bearing . you can measure the thickness of the bearings too this will tell you if they are stand ckeck in the milddle a lot of bearings have some to them eccentricity but when i bulid a engine i check the crank with a micrometer and the bore of the rod and the block with dial gage and put the bearings in with the crank out torque the bolts up to spec and set mic off the crank and setup the dial gage off the crank measurement and put dail gage back in the bore this will give you oil running clearances and do the rods the same way you should have a rod vise and you can plastigage to. but this is much better .if you know some one with mic s to set it all up this is the way i do it but there is a couple ways