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Thread: 402 buildup

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  1. #1
    camaro67_400sbc's Avatar
    camaro67_400sbc is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1967 Camaro SS

    402 buildup


    I'm considering building a 402 for my '67 camaro. I would like to be able to drive the car around town here on the weekends, an i would like to run low 10's of high 9's with it. What mods would you suggest for this engine? I have a th-400 transmission and 4:88 gears. I'm not familiar with the modifications needed to make this kind of power with a big block, i've always had "mice." Thank you for any input.

  2. #2
    camaro67_400sbc's Avatar
    camaro67_400sbc is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I only have one camaro. That all i need. I've seen this done before and i want to do it. This is not, repeat is not, going to be a daily driver. it will mostly be used for racing, but i want to be able to make an appearance or two at the sonic drive in down the street as well. I have plenty of time to do this too, so please, just tell me how i can do it, don't tell me i cant.

  3. #3
    Lord Antagonism is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'd be more concerned with making sure the brakes, suspension, and the rollcage going in will do the job for a low 10 / high 9 second car.

    As to the engine, there are plenty of ways to go...

    A 502 built up for a medium size shot of nitrous.

    a 402 built 70's style for maximum performance, which will mean minimal streetability. High compression, square port closed chamber heads, and a big lumpy cam.

    A 6/71 blower.

    Also, you might consider dropping the TH400 for a powerglide instead... less parasitic power loss.

  4. #4
    camaro67_400sbc's Avatar
    camaro67_400sbc is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks, I have access to a 454 block if i can talk my grandfather into parting with it. The car is built really well where the suspension and cage are concerned, i have a disc brake conversion kit for the car that will go on in the near future. As far as the tranny goes, i'm going to have to make do with the th400 for a while. Its a well built one, but in the future i plan to go with a 'glide. How much horsepower and torque would you estimate is needed to run mid 10's in this car?

  5. #5
    rallysport92 is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well there is alot you can do for a 402 build up that will give you deep 9 sec runs but it depends on your budget. A blower would be overkill at this point (until you start pondering 7's) and you can use the money to get your suspension right. There are a few guys running deep 9's with only 400hp because of there suspension setup (and any decent big block build will get 500hp with little work). Depending on your budget, try to aim for about 600hp (to make up for the weight of the big block) and with the right suspension set-up, 9's will fall easily naturally aspirated. But once again the more important aspect is the budget. If your budget can allow it, aluminum heads (which is a must for this block to save weight), a nice stroker crank (454 should give you about 428 ci...It might be more but I could be wrong so check that), and since there are not really that many high compression pistons out there for these motors, you can contact Manley or another maker to see about a custom set (for this type of application look for around 13.5-14:1 compression) but that depends on budget. I would stay away from any power adders at this point unless 8's are on the horizon mainly because 9's can be had naturally with the right money. But if you want to a nice shot of nitrous or a centrifugal blower with about 19psi (Of course with about 8:1 compression) would be nice, then you can think about going to Orlando!! (And of course that would mean an Orlando sized BUDGET!!)

  6. #6
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Since this thread is almost 4 years old I imagine it's been built by now.
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