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Thread: 396 build up

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  1. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    bay city

    the383 may be cheaper to build at a point MONEY the 396 can make 500 hp but not cheap and as for the 383 no way in hell will it make the TQ of the 496 dollar for dollar the big block is the best deal if you know what you are doing. and the 396 is a very good engine but time has past it by. parts for this like the pistons small bore engine are not cheap BUT if you think this old rat has no teeth you would be WRONG i had more than one396-402 and i whip many 427 350 400 454and some fords and more. you just need to think how much money you want to spend and get real on the leve of hp you want you will have a very hard time getting close to the leve of hp you want for less than 3500 to4000i have had big block for over 26 years have had 396 to 572 and 630+ CID big blocks and i still like the old 396 -402 they can run. i have made them run.
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-09-2006 at 12:35 AM.

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