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Thread: 454 flywheel size question

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  1. #1
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    454 flywheel size question


    This is my first BBC, so I am full of questions...

    I have an 84 454 out of a C30 towtruck. It came with a 12" flywheel / clutch set up. I plan to use a smaller gen 3 camaro bellhousing so I believe a flywheel, clutch and pressure plate swap is in my future. My question is about the balance? Is my engine internally or externally balanced? Can I just purchase another smaller flywheel? What do I need to be looking for?

    Anyone looking for a 12" set up and want to swap?

  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    you need a 454. if that is what you have. the fly wheel that is externally bal any thing that a 454 from the year you have .the 5-6 mark 454 and a diferent weight do not try a 400 small block or a internal fly wheel you will beat it to death
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-09-2006 at 08:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Pat, Not sure I follow... What you are saying is that I should stick with only 454 flywheels...? Any other chevy flywheel (though it may fit) should not be used...?

    When you mention the mark 4 and 5 454, I am confused..

  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    The flexplate on a 400 sbc and the flywheel from a 454 bbc are externally balanced. To my knowledge eveything else in Chevy's inventory is internally balanced.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #5
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    This may be a dumb question, but are they externally balanced and matched to each motor, or will a flywheel off one 454 work fine on another 454?

    Also, I have seen "flywheel balance plates" for the 454, so I could use any flywheel. Sounds hokey, anyone ever use one?

  6. #6
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    454 Flywheels are not matched to the motor at the factory. You can interchange. I've never used a "balance plate."

    Gone to Texas

  7. #7
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Thx guys, I think I have all the info I need for this one, time to hit ePay...

    btw, here is one of those "balance plates" I mentioned...fyi
    Clickee here
    Last edited by Gusaroo; 12-09-2006 at 01:14 PM.

  8. #8
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gusaroo
    Pat, Not sure I follow... What you are saying is that I should stick with only 454 flywheels...? Any other chevy flywheel (though it may fit) should not be used...?

    When you mention the mark 4 and 5 454, I am confused..
    mark 4 is on it own 4 is the only one for a 454 that will work and mark 5-6 are not the same as a mark 4. i would not use one of them cheap plates .they all will bolt up but just not bal to your engine the mark 5-6 one pice rear seal so they have no counter hub for add weight gm makes a#3963537 for a 1970-90 outside dia 12.3/4 and #3993827 fro 1970-90.11 clutch outside dia 14. ,gen5-6 #1409687 454/502 11clutch and nodular iron #14096805 the weight i am talking about is the counter or bob weight on the wheel not the same on a 454 from 1970-90 to mark 5-6
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-09-2006 at 02:40 PM.

  9. #9
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    If the 454's are externally balanced, do they even make non-externally balanced flywheels for the 454? The reason I ask is that I am looking at a nice aluminum flywheel for a 454, but the owner doesn't know if it is extenally balanced. It looks to be symetrical with no weight castings or abnormal holes drilled in it. Here is a pic

    Now that I posted this, I hope fellow CHR'ers don't start bidding on this now...
    Last edited by Gusaroo; 12-10-2006 at 06:28 AM.

  10. #10
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    That flywheel will not work. There have to be counterweights on the back side of the wheel.
    Ken Thomas
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  11. #11
    Gusaroo's Avatar
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    Now the guy just emailed me... and I quote him as saying:
    "it is a externally balanced- on the inter side is a balanced weight, i personally ran this flywheel in my car"

  12. #12
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Have him send you a picture of the backside of the flywheel and compare the weights to flywheel from an internally balanced engine. There is quite a difference.
    Ken Thomas
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  13. #13
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gusaroo
    Thx guys, I think I have all the info I need for this one, time to hit ePay...

    btw, here is one of those "balance plates" I mentioned...fyi
    Clickee here
    i have run one. carried it to the man that did my bal. along with the crank, flywheel, pistons and rods, when i got it back he had added a lot of weights to it. worked ok . for the st. i wouldn't be scared of it.
    check my home page out!!!

  14. #14
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    He showed both sides of the flexplate, and I don't see any weights either. Sounds like a "be careful" to me.

    Gone to Texas

  15. #15
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lt1s10
    i have run one. carried it to the man that did my bal. along with the crank, flywheel, pistons and rods, when i got it back he had added a lot of weights to it. worked ok . for the st. i wouldn't be scared of it.
    that great but would you just bolt one on ? if he added to it then there a good bet that it will not work to good with out any work to it . i have run a bal. machines and you would be better using the right wheel . for the 454 if you are not going to take it all apart to bal .you can rebalance it and put heavy metal$$$$$ in the back counterweight you can run any internal fly wheel or buy a new crank that as more counterweight to run a internal damper and fly wheel

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