11-24-2003 09:21 AM #16
Hey, not to worry...
Reading magazines is a cool thing to do.
I read almost every car magazine out there..
I go to Books-a-Million, and Barnes&Noble and spend hours there reading (read that as cheap SOB). Then I save all that money I would have spent on magazines and actually spend it on car stuff.
Build your dream. That's cool.
But, realize that the magazines are there for a reason...
1) sell magazines
2) sell advertising in that magazine.
In order to do that they have to entice the buyer that the latest widgit is an absolute must have, and the only place to get it is from their advertisers....
If you've been around a while, you will tend to see this trend with engine builders early in their monetary careers...
I want a 500" KB Hemi on nitro too, but having built a lot of engines, the gee whiz factor fades real fast when the wallet gets sucked dry before I am even out of the driveway.
Everyday driving is for everyday cars....and engines.
Street rods are not everyday cars, except for the intensly stubborn, the broke, and the ignorant.
If you have x dollars to spend...invest them into something that will provide you with enough quality income to play the hot rod game on a new level.
Getting mad at people here because their shared wisdom does not fit your mechanical acumen for knowldge gained from periodicals is ludicrous (cool sentence, huh? <g>)...
Build your engine. What kind of half C10 are you going to put it in?
800 hp in snow and rain.. uh...ok.
Prove us all wrong.... Double dog dare ya! <g>
All the facts in the world won't help you when you are in the ditch.
Jeff (btdt...) Rice
I posted here, and not CarCraft because at least according to another board I am on, this is the place to come if you have a question about old cars, engines, and such.
At least in my view, I asked your opinion, because any good opinion is at least backed up with some fact...but no one here can give me any good reason why this thing couldn't be run on the street daily. So far, Streets is the only one who brought up a legitimate issue in regards to this engines ability to run on 91-pump gas...when asked though, he has no evidence to back up his statement, believing that detonation will blow the engine apart.
With that said, I'm sorry I came here and started up all this ruckus...I can get opinion from anywhere, and at least someone thought I could come here and get FACT.
Take care guys.http://community.webshots.com/user/deepnhock
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11-24-2003 11:20 AM #17
I had a car that ran 750hp, and it is NOT!!! a daily driver. One problem was any day that was over 20c i would have trouble keeping it cool, even though i had a big 4 core custom made rad for it. 10c i could cruise all night, 25c + forget it, i would last about 1/2 hr. Rain soaked roads were not to much problems just have to take it easy, also had to watch my intake as it would suck in too much moisture. I would usually pull over until it stopped. When you got to get somewhere you don't have the time to screw with your car. Pump gas would work for me, running premium and 2 bottles of octain boost getting about 8 mpg if you could afford it. Everytime i drove that car i would have to do a check on everything before i started it up. Cars like that are just not meant to be driven everyday. It was a blast to drive but only on special days. Personally i would limit myself to about 500hp for an everyday driver depending on what your putting it in, in a chevette!!!nnnnoooooo. There are alot of drop in crate engines that will give you that and it would give you a nice daily driver rod that you can have some fun with, besides what in hell are you going to use a 700hp in a daily driver for?. Any smarmy punk that gave me a hard time with my daily driver, i would go home and get killer and go hunting!!
11-24-2003 03:14 PM #18
your thoughts on this engine in street use
what's this crate motor gonna run you?
11-24-2003 03:26 PM #19
If you don't want to listen to countless cases of "been there, done that", than do what you want. It's totally impractical for many obvious reasons you refuse to look at. Personally, I doubt you will ever own the motor anyway. Been doin this hot rod stuff for 30 years, I think I know tire kickin and BS when I hear it. Don't bother responding, just post me a pick of your ride.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-24-2003 03:28 PM #20
I'm sure its not cheap I think that the much power for a dail driver is a waste of money unless your gonna race it on the weekends.
11-24-2003 06:24 PM #21
Fuel consumption will be through the roof
Yenko once said a dependable car has 1 to 1.5 HP to CI ratio, but after all that was only Yenko I mean how much can he know. I have between 350 and 400 at the fly wheel in a 302. I would drive it every day if I could keep it runningJokeing I would drive it every day if I could keep my self from buying bigger and better panrts and be able to keep it together for more than a week.
You see I have a bad habbit I call it "HMMMM my wife is on a business trip and I have a credit card and Summit has a Deamon!!!!!"
Build it and enjoy
Otto"When the going gets tough the tough say, 'HUG MY NUTS!!!"
Hug My Nuts Racing
The Reward for a Job Well Done is...
How many people out there can say they've driven a ferd home with vise-grips instead of a steering wheel??
11-24-2003 07:26 PM #22
OK, first of all, streets, who is on your "iggy list"? My first name is David, just for future referance. Anyway, 700HP is way to much for street use. Think, power to weight ratio. Now, 1HP to 2lbs=no traction, possible flippage and no practical application. We wont even talk about tires. Also, with a higher HP engine, there is a greater strain on the essentials(crankshaft, connection rods, BLOCK) at best this will cause increased oil consumption, at best you run the risk of a breakage in traffic. Think about it.Right engine, Wrong Wheels
11-24-2003 10:16 PM #23
Riding along in my Calaboose..
Hey Streets.. I got vitalevalves that float so high that I had to register them with the FAA...or was it the FFA....could have been the BFA... no the BSA....XYZ.??...I don't know !!....Anyhow..Johnson rods and mono leafs all lubed and ready.!!..Red Green is bringing his duct tape. and we will be cruizing..Daddy. O.....The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
11-25-2003 03:52 AM #24
hey inline, make sure you verified the refractory angles on the Johnson rods regarding their correlation to space time continum. You did remeber that it changes, right????Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-25-2003 04:31 AM #25
Dave..remember the changes.??....Hell yes.!!....The ole Sarge has verified that my head is in outer space most of the time ..so changing the derseldorfs and betweengs to correaltion plus a little continum alteration is a piece of cake.!!.....Damn.!!....She says my head is in outer space..The guy down the road says its up my ass......Wish somebody would make up their minds.!!....The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
11-25-2003 06:55 PM #26
Yup, of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. I used to miss my virginity, but I found it.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-25-2003 10:55 PM #27
OK, how exactly does one restore a lost virginity? Know what, I dont think I want to know. Anyway, I think that we should all get together and put this 700HP engine in a AMC spirit with a T350 and a concord rear end with 2:73 gears and drive across the country! at 30! with the factory 2.5L engines radiator! And, with the 91 octane fuel running in this engine, we should be able to drive it for about 400 miles at a mere cost of 200$ Lets see, 4MPG, 2$ a gallon, thats sound right? All we need is some duct tape, Expoxy, Lots and lots of oil, lots of Glycol and a cell phone. Oh, and a CD mix of course. what else are we going to do while waiting for the tow truck?Right engine, Wrong Wheels
11-26-2003 04:22 AM #28
In all fairness, i have seen many 700+ horse cars go acrossed the country with no problems at all on the power tours. Im sure its possible for the right amount of money, i really dont think it matters anymore now though, i dont think this guys coming back, maybe hes studying, Hey streets, you should agree to this, your pushin 5000 with your t-bucket, right??????.
11-26-2003 04:35 AM #29
.Compared to what drg84 just posted my mind is in total working order.!!
.......even though its lost....I mean.....If you've lost your virginity why not just post a note on the local bulletin board down at the Safeway store..." Lost Virginity" if found please call...555-9876....or......."Have you seen my mind.??"..Approach with caution..call 911.!!......I'm at a loss.
The cylinders have to be inline.!!!
11-26-2003 04:46 AM #30
Ask Lorena Bobbit's ex husband...he knows...
He had to learn how to use it all over again
DRG94 wrote:
OK, how exactly does one restore a lost virginity?
Know what, I dont think I want to know.http://community.webshots.com/user/deepnhock
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You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI