Quote Originally Posted by Rgtrough View Post
Hey guys, this is a very interesting thread. About 10 years ago when my youngest was 14 I thought it would be a great bonding experience for the 2 of us to rebuild and improve an '82 trans am. The best thing that happened with that build was I found out how little I knew and that I could find the answers to all of my questions on the internet. Since that time I have completed 4 additional builds. My last two I actually did the machine work. I have made many mistakes, asked many questions. Not only to you guys but also the many great people I have met over the years.
The thing that gets me are the people on this and other forums who want to make engine building out to be too difficult for us mere mortals to even attempt. This is not brain surgery. If some one doesn't like the questions we ask, just move on. Don't lecture. It'll be ok. 99% of the people I have commuicated with through these forums love to help and I greatly appreciate them.
Again thanks for being here for guys like me.

Your post doesn't specify....is this stock engines or building something that will maximize the power output of the parts used???? There is a huge difference in the parts used and the skills required....

You're fortunate that you somehow had access to all the necessary equipment to do the machine work, few people do. Many years ago I worked as an automotive machinist, did all the boring, honing, decking, align boring, balancing, clearancing, blueprinting, flow bench, etc..... I would love to have access to all this stuff again, without having to make the huge investment it takes to own it..... As with anything, even with the equipment available, I would be on a steep learning curve to get up to date on what's "the best bang for the buck" today....