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Thread: 468 build questions

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  1. #1
    slammed84's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vara4 View Post
    I've got a couple of questions.
    This is a street truck right!!!
    Are you running a stall converter if not with 6,000rpm's you should be.
    In my opion if your not running a stall converter you should try to keep
    you rpm top end range down around 4,500 rpm's.
    That will give you the power off the line that you will expect from your big block.
    Other wise it's gonna be like a big fat pig trying to get up out of the mud and you won't like that. The other thing is in my opinion I have been using Erson cams for 30 years and the price for them is hard to beat on a great cam shaft, thats race proven in the dirt and the street.
    yes this is a street truck and will see some track duties as well. I haven't got a converter yet but am planning on getting around a 2500-3000 stall. with the weight of my truck I imagine it will actually stall a little lower but as long as its better than stock and affordable its cool with me, i dont have the $ to spend 400-500 dollars on a torque converter. As for Erson, I can't really find any info about them, every time I try to go to their web-site its not theirs!! So if you have a link to a good website send it my way
    the reptilian brain is now the one involved

  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by slammed84 View Post
    yes this is a street truck and will see some track duties as well. I haven't got a converter yet but am planning on getting around a 2500-3000 stall. with the weight of my truck I imagine it will actually stall a little lower but as long as its better than stock and affordable its cool with me, i dont have the $ to spend 400-500 dollars on a torque converter. As for Erson, I can't really find any info about them, every time I try to go to their web-site its not theirs!! So if you have a link to a good website send it my way
    there on free lunch on torque converter buy cheap junk you end up with junk and less money . as for Erson i have been a dealer thru them for some time .try looking thru PBM /EPW .www.pbm-erson.com
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

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