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Thread: help with 454 choice

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  1. #1
    TRACK SHY's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 73 pro street camaro

    help with 454 choice


    Hey guys, I have a pro street 73 camaro, and i just took out a blown 350, I want to go big block. This is going to be a street car only, dont plan on racing it, just want a good running fast street car. I want to be able to run the blower in the summer months, and run without it in the winter, question is, should i go with the early motors, or step up to the vortec., I have a line on a 7.4vortec ( i think its a l29 ) out of a 99 surburben, its completely stock, I like the new roller cam idea, and will the motor be o.k. with the 671 on top. or will i need to do alot of changes. hit me with some thoughts. thanks Tony

  2. #2
    REGs's Avatar
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    If I can ask .... your wanting to run a low compression blown 454 then turn it into a carb'd (I assume) runner in the winter? Isn't that kind of trying to have your cake & eat it too?

    Go blown & leave it.

    As for using the '99 7.4 ... can be done but bottom end, compression, heads, springs, etc. are not really "blower material" engines without some added upgrades (IMO).


  3. #3
    TRACK SHY's Avatar
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    I think the 99 7.4 is 8.75 comp, that should be fine with a street blower, low boost only @ 8 lbs, The heads i dont know any thing about. thats why i'm here asking, I dont want the blower full time, just when in the mood, thats why i was thinking this motor may work out fine, need to hear from some engine builders what they think. thanks

  4. #4
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    your boost fuel grade and timing play in to this so yes you could have your cake and eat it to. many think you must run low CR with a blower there wrong you just have to watch how much your boosting it . to much boost can draw in alot heat and big blowers take power to drive so there a happy medium you must fine. so abit more cr then some boost is a far better way to go. i done some blower engines with 9to1 and10to3 but very good fuel must be used and timing is a big deal but can be done as for a 99 block mark6 i done every thing you can think of to them blocks not the best but can be made to work i done a zz502 out to a 540 McC built dual turbo with a mix of mark 4 parts steel billet main caps .mark 4. 4340 crank howard s billet rods .and mark 4 oil pan timming cover and roller cam .800hp EZ i know of one mark 6 454 that seen 100000+ miles with a whipple blower on it so it can be done the hp will be more with blower but will run good on carb and you can always spray 150 shot in to it . it all starts with very good machine work the right parts look at my photos there some builds with blower ,i build machine/engines mostly bbc form 396 to 632 that my job
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 01-04-2011 at 09:36 PM.
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  5. #5
    TRACK SHY's Avatar
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    I'm curious, can the 671 be put on the 99 7.4 as it is stock, comp is only 8.75 and run with low boost on pump gas. in stock form how is this motor. i'm reading between the lines, and quessing the older big blocks are the way to go. again, i'm not looking to build a high dollar race engine, just a good running street car, the car needs to be built to drive., alot, no more zipcode cars for me, just want to cruise and show.

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