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Thread: Gear drives

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  1. #1
    stinkydidit's Avatar
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    Gear drives


    I use to want one so bad, to have that, sound. Now I think I could not stand it very long. So who has one? you like it? what are the pros/cons of them?
    The wife has me on a diet patch, but I don't think its work'in, she said you have that thing on right? said, ya, on my arm. She said, dumb ass, it go's over your mouth!

  2. #2
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    There was a time that I thought I wanted one too, but everyone on here talked me out of it, and I am glad they did. It seems everyone feels that way, puts one in, then pulls it back out after a while. That is why you see so many used ones for sale. They aren't all they are cracked up to be.


  3. #3
    Mike P's Avatar
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    The guys that seem want them just want the sound which is close to that of a blower. In most cases the engines are not built to anywhere near the level that a gear drive offers any advantage.

    To me when I hear the sound from the car and all it is a gear drive all it does is scream wannabe.
    I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....

  4. #4
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Don't. Do. It. If you want the sound, buy a CD and put it in your stereo. Seriously.

    Gone to Texas

  5. #5
    Old Coyote's Avatar
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    I have a Pete Jackson gear drive in the Thames ........ and it was not installed "for the sound" ........ I have seen too much damage caused by slipped or broken timing chains and I just don't trust them .......... and I honestly have gotten used to the whine

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    there junk less its a single idler gear one there about $600.milodon .donovan .and other make the race single idler gears one s, the cheap ones are hard on valve train valve springs other parts .but if you feel the need to bolt a P.O.S nose maker on your engine good luck with it. if you bust a good chain set and ...you will not ...you have other things to worry about. i have seen rods hanging out of engines with the chain set still intact
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 10-05-2011 at 08:05 PM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  7. #7
    bel_mor's Avatar
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    for a street machine i think there alright..BUT.. If you have any engine that will see higher rpm levels they could be a problem.
    I had one come apart at 8200rpm once. ended up costing me more money in the long run than the cheap thing did in the first place..

  8. #8
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Afew yrs back,if you wanted a whine,I could have loan ya a ex.Have her ride shotgun...........That's about all the whining anyone could stand.
    glennsexton and pat mccarthy like this.
    Good Bye

  9. #9
    emil is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I did once and was sorry about it as soon as I started the motor for breakin as I was expecting to listen for various engine noises which were all masked by the gear drive. There are places for them and reasons as well, but not in my humble opinion, for the average engine that may see occasional strip duties.......

  10. #10
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emil View Post
    I did once and was sorry about it as soon as I started the motor for breakin as I was expecting to listen for various engine noises which were all masked by the gear drive. There are places for them and reasons as well, but not in my humble opinion, for the average engine that may see occasional strip duties.......
    most all out race engine use belts or chains . top fuel and a small hand full of guy s use the single idler gear drives . not the two gear idler type. all the race engines i build for my customers get a belt or a hi quality billet gear set like Rollmaster timming set have used this chain setup many times on engines with over 250 on the seat and open past 700lbs .on valve springs with no failures of chain .. no engines i build for anyone will leave my shop with a PJ gear drive there alot of bad things they added to a engine that i will not get in to .as i have in the past on here
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

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