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Thread: Will aluminum hurt my block? Roller Rockers came apart

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  1. #1
    Mike1960 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Will aluminum hurt my block? Roller Rockers came apart


    I had my BBC (1970 402) rebuilt. My engine guy said the roller rockers could be re-used. Big mistake. I should know better too. They were in the old mill for 25 years. The new engine utilized the old forged crank, rods, slugs, new brodix heads, new hi lift solid roller Lunati cam (650 lift) and the probable killer...550# springs. Im sure the old springs were rated at much less, and were tired to boot. I never had a solid roller before but my buddies convinced me its the only way to go. All I do is worry its getting out of lash. Well, it was. One day i decided to check them so I ran it around and got the engine20161019_205931_1478004450720_resized.jpg20161022_175701_resized.jpg hot. Pulled a valve cover and the first thing i saw was a broken rocker. One side of the trunion was loose and one side of a rocker yoke was laying on top of the head. Push rod still in place, and is straight. Thought i dodged a bullet. I ordered a new set of Lunati roller rockers. WOW were they beefy compared to the old Crane Golds. Anyways, after replaceing them i noticed all the old cranes had a lot of wear from the stud. They had been wobbling. This shaved off a bunch of aluminum. Well, now i am smoking, a lot on start up, somewhat less when running. I figure the aluminum went down around the valve stems and ate up my seals, possibly the guides too? Most concened about the cylinders. ANyone have any thoughts on what to do? I hate to tear it out and break it all down. I did three oil changes and no longer see aluminum in the filter. But the damage is done. QUestion is, how far? Do you think the valve guides are bad? As far as i can tell, no big chunks of rocker left the top of the head. The one piece i found fit perfectly back on the rocker. But there is a lot of aluminum missing from the rest of them due to chafing on the stud. ANd i can see micro bits of aluminum laying around the keepers. ANy input appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    Hi'Ya Mike1960. Nice to see you here. What'cha doing with this motor? Race car or street cruiser?

    I'd say you already know the answer to the questions you're asking.. And it isn't a good answer I have. I'd never have a good night sleep knowing all those "bits" were floating around . I'm wondering how the crank bearings / cam bearings are doing? And 1 more question. If this is a cruising car, Do you really need 1.7 ratio rockers?

  3. #3
    Mike1960 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    20141229_170001_resized.jpgStreet cruiser. YEa, the best thing is to pull it. I got a lot of feedback from racers and cruisers. A lot of them say the heads will need work but thats it. I saw some bearings a buddy had that had aluminum on them. Looks like it burned in, kind of smeared onto t he surface of the old clevite. But he said it ran for years like that. I also attached a pic of the bearing i took out originally. I had no idea this was a problem when i took the old mill out. Two of the mains were like this. If this thing can make it, maybe anything can LOL. Wishful thinking, i know! Looks like a bulldozer went thru it. Thank god for the hi volume pump the guy had put in there originally 25 years ago. Anyways, I found no specs of aluminum anywhere, even when i cut the filters open. It looks like the aluminum "bits" fell around the keepers and got smashed into a paste. WHen i drain the oil there is a definite residue in the bottom of the pan the next day, non magnetic and gray. THe aluminum got pulverized, like going thru a rock crusher sorta. ANyways, its wishful thinking. I might try do just do the valve seals and see what follows. Cheap and eazy. IF that doesnt work out I will probably get a new bottom end, good time to upsize to the 454!

  4. #4
    34_40's Avatar
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    You might be able to lift it high enough to drop the pan and get a couple / few of the mains to drop out?
    Would only cost you some time and probably the gaskets.

    Pulling the heads at a minimum sounds like a decent plan. Of course the folks here at CHR will require many pics of your findings! rofl...

  5. #5
    jerry clayton's Avatar
    jerry clayton is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Big Blocks rockers are 1.7

  6. #6
    firebird77clone's Avatar
    firebird77clone is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Save yourself time and heartache, pull it and tear it down.
    Rrumbler likes this.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

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