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Thread: Torker 2

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  1. #1
    327,JET's Avatar
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    Torker 2


    I have a torker 2 intake on my 454 . The motor is around 425 h.p. , I am thinking about swapping the single plane for a R.P.M. or R.P.M. Air gap I really want more low end torque and I feel I,m not getting it with the single plane. I'm also going with a 3310 Holley. which of these manifold's are better? Not sure of the cam duration but it does have a slight lope to it , Thanks.

  2. #2
    stepside454's Avatar
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    what RPM range do you run it ?
    75 GMC C-15 factory 454, automatic, lowered

  3. #3
    327,JET's Avatar
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    torker 2


    I run a muncie 4 speed 3:73 rear gears and rpm range is from 1500-6500 . the car runs rough till around 2500 and then it comes to life it really seems to go through the gas too. the carb is really crappy but I plan to change it.

  4. #4
    69muscel's Avatar
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    Re: torker 2


    Originally posted by 327,JET
    I run a muncie 4 speed 3:73 rear gears and rpm range is from 1500-6500 . the car runs rough till around 2500 and then it comes to life it really seems to go through the gas too. the carb is really crappy but I plan to change it.
    I use to have a Holley strip Dominator on my 402 Big Block.Not much low end power with that manifold but man did it work great when I used Nitrous with it.I have 4:11 gears 28 inch tires.The cam is 595 lift on both sides.I also have a 4 speed car.I switched to a Torker 2 Manifold and only got a chance to drive it back from the shop about 2 miles.It definately seemed more responsive at lower RPM's but I didn't get the chance to really get on it..I was wondering with your 454 what was the lift on your Cam???Also with your 3:73 Gears how bad was your gas mileage??? because since i bought my car the fuel gauge has never worked or the speedomete.rYou have a much bigger motor and I was just curious what your 454 Big Block roughly get for gas mileage in street driving and cruising???

  5. #5
    69muscel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by techinspector1
    69, you may not get a response, look at the dates of the posts.
    Yeah,I know what the dates are,so what.Im sure he could answer some questions on the the Torker 2 and I was hoping the guy who posted this thread with his 454 Chevy could help out if not someone else.

  6. #6
    1JohnnyO is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Wow, nice manners..... 327Jet, dont expect a seat of the pants difference with just a manifold change, it's not really evident. I think your problem might be the cam, maybe it's too much duration and it's killing your bottom end. That's a very common problem. Also, make sure your ignition timing is good, and the carb (you're changing it) is good.
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  7. #7
    327,JET's Avatar
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    torker 2


    I now have a Holley 3310 on my Torker 2 oval port intake . I also found a bad set of plug wires were causing problems. I haven't fired the motor up recently because it's 14 below zero here . BRRRR can't wait for the warm weather. Sorry about the slow response but I try to get in here as much as I can.Can't tell you the mileage because I haven't driven the car on the road yet . I'm just getting it back together now . I don't Know the exact number's on the cam , the motor was put together by the previous owner. My dad has a 95 1 ton Silverado though with a stock 454 in it he get's 8 miles per gallon , ouch ! I wonder what the Nova will do?
    Last edited by 327,JET; 01-22-2005 at 11:59 AM.

  8. #8
    69muscel's Avatar
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    Re: torker 2


    Originally posted by 327,JET
    I now have a Holley 3310 on my Torker 2 oval port intake . I also found a bad set of plug wires were causing problems. I haven't fired the motor up recently because it's 14 below zero here . BRRRR can't wait for the warm weather. Sorry about the slow response but I try to get in here as much as I can.Can't tell you the mileage because I haven't driven the car on the road yet . I'm just getting it back together now . I don't Know the exact number's on the cam , the motor was put together by the previous owner. My dad has a 95 1 ton Silverado though with a stock 454 in it he get's 8 miles per gallon , ouch ! I wonder what the Nova will do?
    I plan to keep my Torker 2 Manifold on my 402 Big Block.I have 4:11 Gears but I have 28 inch tall tires on it.Even though mt Cam is big the car seemed to really seem alot faster then when I had a Holley Strip Dominator intake manifold on there.I guess I would be ok with 8 miles per gallon.I guess with my smaller engine to your Dad's 454 Truck i may get 10MPG but until i get mt fuel gauge and speedometer working I will never know.One of the reasons I like the bigger cam is that big cams work great with Nitrous.I don't race the car at all.Its all for the street so down the road maybe a 427 or 454 with a milder cam and 3:73 Gears with a 5 Speed Tranny would work better on the street.One thing about my car is that it is hard to keep it idling until its fully warmed up.I know they make Carbs now for cars with big cams that run much better.Race Demon,Street Demon and there are others.I would like to get the right Carb for sure.I figure my engine is between 400-475 HorsePower.

  9. #9
    327,JET's Avatar
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    396 SS


    If your motor is idling rough and your carb is a Holley there is a procedure that might help . Try drilling small holes in the throttle plates to try to get more air flow through the carb it could help.Holley manuals show this step by step. It could help ? Or maybe advance your timing a couple of degrees . Who knows?That Camaro sound's pretty awesome!

  10. #10
    69muscel's Avatar
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    Re: 396 SS


    Originally posted by 327,JET
    If your motor is idling rough and your carb is a Holley there is a procedure that might help . Try drilling small holes in the throttle plates to try to get more air flow through the carb it could help.Holley manuals show this step by step. It could help ? Or maybe advance your timing a couple of degrees . Who knows?That Camaro sound's pretty awesome!
    I have tried with drilling holes in the throttle plates but my spark plugs were foulin out constantly and that didn't work.Then about 8 years ago I took the 650 double pumper to a local speed shop.He said the 650 Holley was way to small for my 402. big blockThe guy told me he could have some company in Texas rebuild it(TCI OR TRC) and make it flow around 785cfm's with a 4 corner idle circuit for better idling.It finally after all the sets of spark plugs cured the fouling of my hunderd's of spark plugs.The thing i don't like about this Carb is when it starts to idle aroud 800-1000 rpm's after about 10 minutes it idles at 1500RPM's.I have the timing at idle(1000rpm) around 16 degree's,anything less then 14 degree's and it runs sluggish.I still have alot of money to spend on my camaro before its awesome.It is a four speed and not the stock engine but it has decent bottom end power,probably because I have the oval port Heads and the torker 2 in place of the Holley strip dominator which is a race manifold.Don't know why I ever bought that manifold.I just think a better Carb is all I need.Alot of guys that have alot of carbs around can change it on there motor while the only carb I have is on the manifold.

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