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Thread: Oil Leaking From Intake Bolts

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  1. #1
    ED JONES is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Angry Oil Leaking From Intake Bolts


    I have a problem with oil coming from the intake bolts under the carberator. Does anyone have a trick to stop this from happening?It is a 350 engine with an aluminum intake.

  2. #2
    chevy 37's Avatar
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    Sounds like you have warped intake manifold. You need a thicker intake gasket or if that doesn't work you'll have to have the intake milled.
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  3. #3
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    The manifold may or may not be warped. But, oil coming through the bolt holes does indicate a lack of good seal between the intake and the oil galley. A warped manifold is one possibility. Bad intake gaskets are another. You're going to have to pull the manifold. However, before having the manifold milled, I would get a good set of intake gaskets - the ones with the silicone beads around the ports - and install them.
    Last edited by Henry Rifle; 11-24-2004 at 02:57 PM.

    Gone to Texas

  4. #4
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    Ed, listen to what Denny said. However, I would reccommend using liquid "thread sealant" rather than RTV on the bolt treads. If you do this to one bolt at a time, you won't have to remove the intake nor install new gaskets.

    If the manifold was warped, you would probably have huge lean misfires on a few cylinders.
    Last edited by TyphoonZR; 11-24-2004 at 03:42 PM.
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  5. #5
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    I guess I booted that one . . .

    Gone to Texas

  6. #6
    ED JONES is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I'll try the thread sealant first and if that don't work I'll take the intake off and try different gaskets.

  7. #7
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Henry Rifle
    I guess I booted that one . . .
    henry, whats what you call getting voted down, but i dont belive you can have a intake gasket or intake warped so bad oil will come past it and not have a vac. leak. i dont think so. i never heard of oil coming up pass the intake bolts eather. if you dont have a vac. leak i would be looking at the valve cover gaskets or blow-by.
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  8. #8
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Welcome to the club Henry.....we all shank 'em once in a while

  9. #9
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have a Eldebrock Air Gap with the raised runners, and a valley pan made into it & it leaks like a sive if I don't get it tightened down right & keep a check on it. I have to re-tighten it about every 6 weeks or it will leak around the front seal & oil will blow back under the carb. I think it over expands at the valley, and causes the rubber seal to leak. I have tried Loc-tite, rtv blue, bubble gum, and it still does it.

  10. #10
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by hambiskit
    I have a Eldebrock Air Gap with the raised runners, and a valley pan made into it & it leaks like a sive if I don't get it tightened down right & keep a check on it. I have to re-tighten it about every 6 weeks or it will leak around the front seal & oil will blow back under the carb. I think it over expands at the valley, and causes the rubber seal to leak. I have tried Loc-tite, rtv blue, bubble gum, and it still does it. [/QUOT

    they will leak in the corners, there is on vac. there. but i cant see one leaking oil from the bolts under the carb and still run good. i got to see that.
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  11. #11
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well, maybe I didn't explain the intake right, when I said raised runners- i mean raised up seperate from the valley pan. You can stick your hand under the carb. & wiggle your fingers. That's where the oil gathers- never said it leaks from the bolts under the carb( as in the ones that hold down the carb) but it will leak from the intake bolts, as well as front & rear valley pan seals, and still run.

  12. #12
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by hambiskit
    I have a Eldebrock Air Gap with the raised runners, and a valley pan made into it & it leaks like a sive if I don't get it tightened down right & keep a check on it. I have to re-tighten it about every 6 weeks or it will leak around the front seal & oil will blow back under the carb. I think it over expands at the valley, and causes the rubber seal to leak. I have tried Loc-tite, rtv blue, bubble gum, and it still does it.

    take the rubber seal out, dont use it. then use the red or black, put the sealer on both sides and it should fix it.
    Last edited by lt1s10; 11-24-2004 at 07:35 PM.
    check my home page out!!!

  13. #13
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sometimes I feel like I'm running uphill on banana peals...I was just saying that it can be warped if it's not kept tight while it's hot, and then go back to shape when it cools, only showing that it leaks from the oil it leaves behind.
    Thanks for the advise guy's - but I took it off & threw it in the trash, and got a Victor.......cured the problem.

  14. #14
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by hambiskit
    Well, maybe I didn't explain the intake right, when I said raised runners- i mean raised up seperate from the valley pan. You can stick your hand under the carb. & wiggle your fingers. That's where the oil gathers- never said it leaks from the bolts under the carb( as in the ones that hold down the carb) but it will leak from the intake bolts, as well as front & rear valley pan seals, and still run.

    i was talking about the first post and i didnt say it wouldnt run i said it wouldnt run good because you'll should have a vac leak, if oil can get passed the intake gasket then vac can to. air will go places that oil wont.

    I have a problem with oil coming from the intake bolts under the carberator. Does anyone have a trick to stop this from happening?It is a 350 engine with an aluminum intake.
    check my home page out!!!

  15. #15
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Your right Lt-1, and yup Denny- sometimes a step up is the best cure.....lol

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