Thread: using oil???????/
03-28-2005 02:46 PM #1
using oil???????/
HI All,
Need a little advice, I have a Camaro 1979, 5.6 small block, she running great, but it seems to be using oil??
I think there a leak arounf the bottom back of the engine, but not sure, there no oil on the driveway but yet I had to top the oil up by about 1ltr after 130miles???
plus, the volt guage just stopped working,
If anyone has any ideas on a problem or fix on the oil issue it be great, I only look for a bit of advice in the gauge issue!
Sorry for the question, I'm new to this classic cars area.
Many thanks
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03-28-2005 05:45 PM #2
how many miles are on your car? by the sounds of it, if you aren't seeing any oil on the driveway, this oil consumption is probably your rings, pretty common in older vehicles, as the miles build up on the engine, the rings start to wear down and even crack, as this happens, oil is able to slip by the piston and get ignited in the combustion chamber..... if you're not smoking white smoke from your exhaust pipes, that means that its not a traumatic ring issue.... best way to check would be to drive up a hill at a decent speed and then let off the gas, if you can see any white smoke come from your car... its the rings wearing out... to fix this problem temporarily start using a high mileage engine oil and maybe also use lucas oil additives.... if you're already starting to get ring wear though, sooner or later you're going to need an engine rebuild... and when you do get to that point.... we'll be here to help you through that
03-28-2005 10:33 PM #3
Thanks for the advice,
The car "say's" it done 37 thousand miles!
There's only white smoke on first start but none after that. Theres no oil on the engine, only a blow back underneath the car.
The thing is, Living in Ireland theres NO garages, parts are anyone who you could thust to look at the car. So I kinda on my own! well apart for you good people.
03-28-2005 11:46 PM #4
ok i figured with the year that it was a high mileage on the engine.... but with only 37 thousand.... then yeah its probably the valve seals.... much cheaper and easier to fix than rings... valve seals will cost you practically nothing.... its gonna cost more for the tools
03-29-2005 01:33 AM #5
Thank you all very much for all your help.
I'm going to look into it and see what needs to be done :-)
03-29-2005 01:44 AM #6
Re: using oil???????/
If you've kept an eye on your oil usage over time,,,and it sounds like you have.......Then it could be that your oil leak is small enough to have distributed it'self behind the transmission,,and undercarriage,,,,If it is a recent small leak,,,then it may not be dripping onto the road in any noticeable quantity yet,,,,Just a thought........get your engine steam cleaned,,,or power washed,,,then get a good look at your valve covers,,,and the oil pan seam,,,oil filter,,etc.
You can spot the leak better if everything is clean.
I mention this just in case it's something simple,,,i think denny and the other guy's have covered the rest.
Originally posted by Niallbirl
HI All,
Need a little advice, I have a Camaro 1979, 5.6 small block, she running great, but it seems to be using oil??
I think there a leak arounf the bottom back of the engine, but not sure, there no oil on the driveway but yet I had to top the oil up by about 1ltr after 130miles???
plus, the volt guage just stopped working,
If anyone has any ideas on a problem or fix on the oil issue it be great, I only look for a bit of advice in the gauge issue!
Sorry for the question, I'm new to this classic cars area.
Many thanks
Niall"I don't know everything and i like it that way"
03-29-2005 01:57 AM #7
Thanks Thunderbucket,
I'll get the engine cleaned and see, The only oil I have seen is underneath the car,
I have just finished underseal it and thats how I noticed it.
This a great web site and so helpful, Thanks
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI