Thread: No acceleration
04-24-2005 07:26 AM #16
If i start The car. and Take off a sprack Plug cable 1 at a time to see if all are Firing would That tell me if its My dist?
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04-24-2005 07:40 AM #17
How hard have you been pushing the car???
If it's just a stomp or three,,,and not kicking the crap out of it,,then i'd say where on the right track,,,,Vaccume leaks are gonna create big problems,,,,do the propane test,,,and see if you can track it down,,,and i'm missing something here,,,you said it was idling fine,,,why would you suggest taking off the leads one at a time???
If you cant get sufficient vaccume,,,your carburation air/fuel mix will be out the window,,,also it wont accelerate worth s*** with no vaccume,,it's gonna ping and rattle like an old war horse.
And the smell out of your tail pipe is unburned fuel and if that car has a catalitic converter,,it's going to burn it out too.
As to MSN,,,i do use MSN but i'm one of those guy's who can't hold a beer and type in two screens at the same time,,,,so i try and stay with one.
Originally posted by CamaroCanada
i Dont Think it is Timing Cuz the Car was Running great but in the Last week. i noticed It getting worse everyday. it aint plugs or cables the Carb was Working Fine before i never Adjusted Anything."I don't know everything and i like it that way"
04-24-2005 07:45 AM #18
No i Dont drive it Hard i do give it Shit once in a While if i dont she gets MadSo the Vacum Would Stop the Cam Sound completly. i know im asking alot But im New to this stuff. i usely just send it to a mechanic. But ive been Ripped So many Times. i wanna try and do it myself
04-24-2005 07:47 AM #19
and About The spark Plug Idea Shows you How much i Know
04-24-2005 07:51 AM #20
And When ya Mentioned About Wipers. My Fuse Has been Blowing all the Time sinse This Problem Happend.
04-24-2005 07:56 AM #21
Your wipers are electric,,,i just used this as an example of how lack of vaccume used to affect older cars."I don't know everything and i like it that way"
04-24-2005 07:57 AM #22
So How do i test It Myself Too see where the Vascume Leak is Comming From?
04-24-2005 07:59 AM #23
Should i take the Valve Covers Off to make sure all the Rocker aRMS Are working?
04-24-2005 08:00 AM #24
Not sure what you mean by..... "So the Vacum Would Stop the Cam Sound completly"......The sound of the running engine will change for sure,,depending on how well she's running...your exhaust note (sound) will change with the running characteristics of the motor.
The lumpyness or "tic" from the exhaust,,kinda sounds like it's cam related,,will also change again once she's running sweet."I don't know everything and i like it that way"
04-24-2005 08:02 AM #25
Yeah you can Tell From the Front of the Car The sound Diff. And In the Back of the Car i dont Hear the Rumble Anymore. comming out of the Pipes
04-24-2005 08:05 AM #26
Am i Annoying Ya yet
Also when i have it In park. and i Just Rev it Hard i here a sounds Like a Backfire kinda Of knocking Noise sounds Like Its Comming From the Carb or maybe a Rocker Arm what do you Think it could be?
04-24-2005 08:08 AM #27
Couldn't hurt to pull the valve covers and have a peek,,back up a bit in the posts and you will se where i mention using a prpane torch unlit,,,to test for vaccume leaks,,,,some guy's use soap and water,,,some guy's will use carb cleaner,,,,,it's just that propane doesnt leave anything behind to clean up afterward,,,but have a fire extinguisher handy,,,,turn the propane on real tiny bit,,enough that it's just coming out slowly,,,.
As far as the rest of it,,,you need to check your carburator mounting gasket and bolts,,,your intake manifoild to head's,,,,your brake booster vaccume line,,,,and all the rest of the 50 or so vaccume lines for leaks, it's gonna take some time,,so take your time the first time,,and do it right.
It might help to grab a neighbour who knows his shit,,and invite him over for a beer,,,he may help out,,,,i know i do,,,specialy when beer is in the offering..LoL
Originally posted by CamaroCanada
Should i take the Valve Covers Off to make sure all the Rocker aRMS Are working?"I don't know everything and i like it that way"
04-24-2005 08:10 AM #28
That sound you hear is from your timing or vaccume problem,,it'll all go away when you beat this problem."I don't know everything and i like it that way"
04-24-2005 08:12 AM #29
Hell Yeah i Think i Should Go Pick Up a 12 oF Moosehead mmm So the Motor Needs To be Running To Check for The leaks>? i Dont have Propane so ill use Soap And Watermore mess but all i got !
04-24-2005 08:15 AM #30
im Spraying it On Gaskets and hoses Right?
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI